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Member Since 19 Feb 2008
Offline Last Active Jan 30 2009 10:27 AM

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In Topic: online store

30 January 2009 - 10:27 AM

Garrett, could you fill me in a bit more regarding your conversion? I'm at a crossroads now, looking at converting my site into a more functional, progressive form, and would like as much input as possible in regards to your decision to pick one package over the rest, the main benefits over the SiteLINK system, etc. We feel that in order to progress in our highly competitive industry we must make a giant leap to a more adept platform. We've been quite disappointed with the current SiteLINK (version 5.4), and decided that considering the absurd amount of bugs in this software that we would not convert to SiteLINK 6.0 for some time. I'd like to find a product that offers the same level of integration, but allow me more creative and functional options, as well as many of the features other products have offered for some time.

As a side note, while writing this I see that SiteLINK isn't in the forum's dictionary. Interesting.



Hi Rory,

I am still in the process of the CommerceV3 conversion. There are some issues with MOM compatibility and costs associated with the change or lack of change in their time frame. I will let you know once I am at the other end as to the pieces that worked well and those that did not. I am very suprized that most of the threads relating to this platform have not expressed more fully the process and final outcome. I will certainly give a full run down of my experiece, good and bad once the conversion is over. Also will give you the final price tag.

Hope your company is doing well is these difficult times.

Kindest Regards,
The Added Touch

In Topic: online store

16 December 2008 - 07:33 AM


Take a look at CommerceV3.com. They have several customers using MOM and thier CV3 solution for e-commerce.

Hello All,

I was a sitelink user. I am currently setting up an ecommerce site with CommerceV3. I would be happy to give you a conversion/setup and a spidering results review once the site is established with them.

Kindest Regards,
Garrett Hall
The Added Touch

In Topic: Using Sitelink Without the Sitelink Plugin in MOM

16 December 2008 - 07:31 AM

I would like to add my company to that list.


Nathan Focht

Hello All,

I was a sitelink user. I am currently setting up an ecommerce site with CommerceV3. I would be happy to give you a conversion/setup and a results review once the site is established with them.

Kindest Regards,
Garrett Hall
The Added Touch

In Topic: Google Spidering Dydacomp Servers

16 December 2008 - 07:26 AM

I have several clients running websites that use mom and they are getting Google placement. Search for 'Hot Sauce' and look at www.mohotta.com. I know that it is not just a Google issue because Mohotta is appearing well. Good Luck....

Nathan Focht

Hello All,

I was a sitelink user. I am currently setting up an ecommerce site with CommerceV3. I would be happy to give you a conversion/setup and a spidering results review once the site is established with them.

Kindest Regards,
Garrett Hall
The Added Touch

In Topic: finally integrated w/yahoo store real time invento

19 February 2008 - 08:40 PM

Well, I finally did it!

Using asp+vfoxpro odbc, we whipped up something that'll let our yahoo store check inventory real time (including items with options(variations), composites, etc etc.)

That was a HUGE "to-do" for us. If anyone else needs help doing this let me know. I can offer answers to questions/offer advice.

Next thing to do: real-time shipping/tax calculator. Anyone have an ASP script handy that parses the yahoo order system's POSTs?

Hi, I would like some advice on this as well?
