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Member Since 16 Apr 2007
Offline Last Active Apr 25 2007 11:34 AM

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In Topic: Worldship Automatic Importing

19 April 2007 - 07:23 AM

when i first read this thread, i could have sworn on my mothers grave that i had written this in my sleep...you are having the exact same problem we are. this is: when we batch orders through MOM the info gets sent to our UPS terminal but if we batch another time without shipping the entire first batch our barcode scanner becomes obsolete becasue the first batch does not 'exist' anymore. can you please tell me exactly what you did (im not yet at the programming level here) so we may replicate your process. we have tried everything we (and the UPS techies) can think of. any help would be greatly appreciated!!!
Major Surplus & Survival Inc.