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Member Since 22 Jun 2005
Offline Last Active Mar 25 2008 01:53 PM

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In Topic: Eltron Printer for USPS

21 December 2005 - 01:55 PM

Only 2 other people printing USPS lables with an Eltron printer?  :blink:

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I have two of these printers printing UPS labels from MOM. I just used the UPS drivers for Win 2k.

In Topic: So Is MOM really PCI Compliant??

06 July 2005 - 09:07 AM

We are running M.O.M. 5.2 build 6/14/05 and it will mask all but the last 4 numbers when viewing an order.

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We are running 5.2 as of I think the 20th.

With this feature ON it does mask the credit card numbers on orders already taken. "Viewing the order" But then you can't see any previous cards used for a re-order.

So we have to take this option off. With this option OFF all the numbers are displayed.

I believe MOM needs to mask the numbers only to show the last 4 were you take another order with a previous customer and their cards.

Are your guys numbers masked when taking another order with a previous customer with the feature turned ON?

In Topic: So Is MOM really PCI Compliant??

05 July 2005 - 02:42 PM

If you set MOM up so that users can't see card numbers can they still see the last 4 digets?

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Not that I can find.

My response from Dydacomp is that they have no plans to mask it either.