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Member Since 10 Jun 2005
Offline Last Active Jun 19 2007 01:30 PM

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Intro Earthy Delights

10 June 2005 - 06:03 AM


My name is Ed Baker. I am President of Earthy Delights, Inc. We sell specialty foods to restaurants, clubs and hotels around the US. We do all of our shipping by FedEx, so we are a Mail Order distributor.

Much, sometimes as much as 2/3 of our commercial business is drop ship business. We offer over 2500 products, many of which are highly volatile commodities (such as wild mushrooms) which have costs/prices which may change daily.

In addition, for many of these products I may have 5 or 6 possible vendors. Keeping up with all the possible buying levels has been a challenge

We also sell via catalog and internet to individuals. It was for this I bought Mail Order Manager in 2001, and finally implemented it in 2004.

MOM works quite well for my retail mail order business, but presents many challenges for my commercial business.

I am hoping I can find some advise here on work arounds/fixes for such simple things as faxiing or e-mailing invoices to customers, inputting freight costs on drop ship items and more

Ed Baker
Earthy Delights
[email protected]