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Member Since 09 Sep 2009
Offline Last Active Jan 27 2010 08:50 AM

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In Topic: MOM Cust.dbf data file

27 January 2010 - 08:50 AM

Hi dseibold,

Thank you for the information it is very helpful, I just have another question do you know what P stands for in CUSTTYPE row?

The CUST file is a list of all customers and all addresses.
The CUSTTYPE field will tell you if it is a bill-to or ship-to customer.
O = Address ONLY
B = Bill-To Address
S = Ship-To Address
U = Multiple-use Address

If you need ship-to and bill-to addresses for a specific order, you need to look at the CMS file for the CUSTNUM field for the bill-to customer and the SHIPNUM field for the ship-to customer.