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Member Since 01 Jan 2005
Offline Last Active Oct 10 2005 03:36 PM

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In Topic: Dydacomp.com Redesign

10 October 2005 - 03:30 PM

"That is truly one of the most ignorant statements I've ever heard. Especially since my records show that you are currently on an the older version of MOM."

Hmm. No, it was just a concise, accurate statement. The new version is not redesigned, it has just had some modifications. It is still running on top of the same Foxpro crap, and it IS crap.

Windows NT has its own widget libraries, and they are much higher quality than the ones which Foxpro applications substitute. It acts like a runtime environment, similar to Java, and its pseudo-GUIDs are not even compatible with Windows' interprocess communication (if you want to call it that). This means that, for instance, any customized window manager or automation software which you might use with Windows, will not be able to interact with MOM or any Foxpro application in a reasonable way.

If that doesn't mean anything to you, or if you don't really take your business that seriously, go ahead and use MOM, but those who understand and expect that software should always be designed to do as much work as possible without anyone's help, rather than just keeping as many people as possible busy for 40 hours a week doing mindless, repetetive work, will never reccommend it.

MOM would be drastically better if it were programmed in Visual Basic, and if you have ever had to use any serious business application which was programmed in Visual Basic (yes, some programmers really are that retarded, and their customers are poor victims), you would probably find this laughable, but it is, unfortunately, the truth.

In Topic: Amazon Order Import Specs

01 January 2005 - 10:05 AM


With the help of our web developer JOHNNY FUSION www.johnnyfusion.ca I would like to develop an import tool for AMAZON orders. 

Does anyone have the order file specs for an Amazon order? 



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I (most likely me) will be doing just that after we finish (to some acceptable degree) a new site. I have written some basic logic, but it isn't even close yet. If you don't get anything else in the meantime, I will be in touch about this ~1 month estimated.