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Member Since 15 Oct 2004
Offline Last Active Oct 15 2004 09:47 AM

Topics I've Started

M.O.M. and Authorize.net

15 October 2004 - 09:47 AM

We are one of the companies who purchased Mail Order Manager based upon the sales protestations from DydaComp. Unfortunately there are key differences and changes in their program as follows:

1) M.O.M. was stated to be able to handle unlimited inventories. After purchase they said it could only handle up to a few thousand without collapsing.

2) M.O.M. was stated to be able to process credit card batches through a dozen or so different services. After purchase DydaComp cut off IC Verify (which DydaComp initially promoted and had our firm purchase this software) and every other credit card verification method, except "Authorize.Net".

We have found out that DydaComp is a "reseller" with Authorize.Net, and the ONLY RESELLER. It costs $299 setup fee directly with Authorize.Net. DydaComp wants to charge $595, plus they want an additional $1000 for general tech support.

If we do not pay these extortionate fees, they will NOT allow M.O.M. to 'recognize' the Authorize.Net "gateway". What M.O.M. is apparently doing is FIRST looking out to DydaComp. If DydaComp sees that our firm has paid the additional fees (about $1200 extra), THEN AND ONLY THEN will our firm be allowed to pass the DydaComp "gateway".

In effect, DydaComp is establishing their own gateway, as a barrier to accessing the credit card payment processing gateway of Authorize.Net.

Our position is that this violates federal law: "Interstate Commerce", "Racketeering", "Extortion", anti-competition, etc.

We paid for this software explicitly with the understanding that we would be processing via IC Verify (or similar). We did not purchase this software knowing that we would be later locked-in to paying extortionate fees to DydaComp just to have access to the payment gateway.

We would like information from others who have found this problem. What have you done to overcome it, within DydaComp, outside DydaComp such as with other programming, or in the legal arena (suing the pants off DydaComp).

We are looking ourselves at both civil action in federal court, in addition to asking the United States Attorney General to begin investigations for criminal prosecution. Any information available to assist would be appreciated in resolving these issues.

Hopefully, DydaComp will take off their, in our view, unlawful restrictions and thus allow access to Authorize.Net. Hopefully DydaComp will allow access to other credit card authorization services, as was the case when we purchased their product. If they do not, it is off to federal court.

FYI, DydaComp corporate information is as follows:

Dave Kopp, President
Robert Coon, Vice President
11 D Commerce Way
Totaway, New Jersey 07512

According to DydaComp, they are incorporated in New Jersey.

Thank you,
Bruce Senator