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Member Since 18 Jan 2008
Offline Last Active Jan 30 2008 11:45 AM

Topics I've Started

Importing of data

24 January 2008 - 08:51 AM

I need to import our Inventory, Bin, Customer and Suppliers data into MOM using dbuwin. Here is who I think it can be done.
I have exported the following tables in order to help me format our data: stock.dbf, bin.dbf, inventor.dbf, suppliers.dbf cust.dbf.

I'm probably going to import the stock information using the Import/Export module. I will be importing the Distrib and Diststock fields.

I believe that I can append the Supplier information into the directly in to the suppliers.dbf table without any trouble. With this import I believe Distrib fild from the stock.dbf must match the Code field in the suppliers.dbf. Am I correct?

With customers I think can be imported directly into the dbf if I'm not tacking any history with me. It also looks like customers can be imported via the import/export module?

When importing bin numbers would I have to create a relationship with the the BIN_ID field in the Inventor.dbf table and the BIN_ID in the bin Bin.dbf table. Also what is the purpose of the bin field in stock.dbf? I have set up some test items with test bins and that field is not populated. Also what exactly dose the inventor.dbf table do?

Unable to get my Clients to login

18 January 2008 - 11:10 AM

I am unable to get my clients to logon to MOM from their computers since I have created multiple companies. I get 2 errors sometimes more. First error �Invalid path or file name�. I get this error when I select the company I want to logon to. It happens to all the companies I created. Then I get this error about 30 seconds latter �Cannot connect to FoxPro DBC (momdata.dbc)�. I am able to browse to the momdata.dbc in the momwin folder on the server from all workstations. I have tried many Share and NTFS file permissions and I have tried UNC and Mapped drive methods to get to the momdata.dbc folder with no luck.