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Member Since 05 Dec 2007
Offline Last Active Nov 05 2008 12:26 PM

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In Topic: [Microsoft][ODBC Visual FoxPro Driver]Not a table.

07 December 2007 - 07:40 AM

This issue also interests me as I have the same exact problem.

One workaround that I have is to make a copy of the DBF files, then change the first byte of each DBF using the WINHEX HEX editor from a HEX 31 to a HEX 30 and then I'm able to open the DBF files.

I'm looking for a better solution to this problem. If anyone has an C# .NET code to do this, It would be great if you could post it.



In Topic: Where's MOM 6?

06 December 2007 - 10:07 AM

<-- snip -->

You may also be interested to know, because I know that you are one of us that relies heavily on R&R, that R&R currently doesn't work with 6.0. Dydcomp not only changed the version of FoxPro that MOM operates on, but switched from DBF to DBC files. As far as I know, R&R isn't able to read these container database files yet.

I learned about the change to DBC files the hard way. Unfornately, I have some customers that only ship me the CUST.DBF and CMS.DBF files for some third party processing of the data.

When trying to open these files with Foxpro, I would get an error saying NOT A TABLE because I don't have the DBC file.

It is possible to open the CUST.DBF and CMS.DBF in a pinch using Foxpro without the associated DBC file, but you will first need to use a HEX editor to change the first byte from a HEX 31 to a HEX 30. Then, you can at least open the individual tables using Foxpro.