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Member Since 10 Aug 2007
Offline Last Active Apr 01 2008 07:46 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: osCommerce

01 April 2008 - 07:46 AM

I've spent quite a bit of time integrating an osCommerce store to MOM over the past 12 months.

Orders are exported from MOM and come down to the local server where MOM can auto import then.
Stock figure go up from MOM and update osCommerce (attribute level)
Gift vouchers are exported from MOM so available to use on the website
Order status is exported MOM and updated in osCommerce
Next delivery dates go up from MOM to osCommerce if stock is unavailable on website
Source code options go up from MOM to website so users can select how they came across website

I haven't integrated product names, descriptions, prices, shipping etc - that seemed a bit overkill given the number, and how often we update them but can be done.

There are some 3party products out there now which will link osCommerce to MOM so well worth looking into. osCommerce offers a great scalable platform which you can adapt and develop in the future.

In Topic: OSCommerce Export

03 January 2008 - 03:10 AM

I've made some progress on this now and have got:

- stock inventory from MOM going up to osCommerce
- orders from osCommerce going into MOM
- gift certificates going from MOM into osCommerce
- order status going from MOM into osCommerce

Can't say it's perfect but it seems to be working ok. If anyone else is working on osCommerce / MOM please drop me a line:

david |@| gossypium.co.uk

because I'd be interested in hearing how other people have got this working or how the processes could be improved.

Best wishes,


In Topic: OSCommerce Export

13 August 2007 - 06:04 AM

This would be pretty easy to code for oscommerce, using some of the existing order export modules. Checkout the contribution section on their site.

This is something I'm going to be writing for our osCommerce website (www.gossypium.co.uk). I probably will adapt one of the existing modules as suggested. Feel free to drop me a line if you would like to collaborate,



In Topic: Choosing a server to run MOM v6 on

13 August 2007 - 01:12 AM

David does Mom work on a peer to peer network we tried it a while ago ( for a temp sol. ) and kept on getting errors
how did you do it

Sorry if I've duplicated this - I couldn't see my response had gone. I'm afraid we've never done p2p, so can't really offer any advice - hopefully someone else on the forum can help? From what I understand you can peer to peer up to 5 workstations. We want to go with the server option because hope to have more than 5 workstations in the future (initally 3). In the UK, the Dydacomp people are now suggesting 4GB ram. I'd be really greatful if anyone is running v6 on a server, if you could tell me what spec server you have and how it runs because would be a great help.

