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Member Since 17 Jul 2007
Offline Last Active Jul 17 2007 10:47 AM

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In Topic: credit card processing

17 July 2007 - 10:52 AM

[quote name='patty' date='Apr 30 2004, 12:08 PM' post='52']
We are using MOM version 4.3 with ICVerify version 2.5.01 for our cc processing.
This version of ICVerify doesn't pass all the required info on corporate cards to our CC processor (Nova) in order to receive the best rates. The required info being: customer code & sales tax. The latest version of ICVerify does have this ability but isn't certified with NOVA. I don't want to use MOM's sitelink as it is way too expensive. I am looking at ViaWarp & PC Transactit but I'm not sure if these will work with MOM. We process hundreds of transactions per day in our busy season (July - December) Any ideas? [email protected]

Hey Patty
Were you able to find a solution to your credit card processing situation. I agree MOM's sitelink is way to expensive and I am also seeking another alternative. If I come up with any ideas I'll let you know.