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Brandon Lubbert

Member Since 22 May 2007
Offline Last Active May 23 2007 12:12 PM

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Need Help from Miva and MOMS Users

22 May 2007 - 08:04 AM

We are a small company that is seriously considering moving to MOMS and have not been able to test the new MIVA-MOMS integration in their trial version of version 6.

We have already looked at Stone Edge Order Manager and have talked with Barney, but because we need to write a large amount of customer refund checks and I don't believe their solution will work for us. (Please correct me though if I am wrong!)

I would just like to talk with someone for a few minutes about the process of how MIVA integrates with MOMS. I would also like to know how MOMS integrates with the Viking Order Status Manager Module.

If you want to take the time to send me your phone number, I would be glad to call you at a convenient time.

Specifically, I would like to know these questions.

1) What things do you like about the MIVA and MOMS dynamic integration? How does it upload inventory and download orders and have you had good success with it?

2) Were there unexpected situations or other things you don't like about the MIVA and MOMS integration for downloading orders or controlling inventory?

3) Do you use the Viking Order Status Manager with MOMS and has it worked well for you?

4) Any other comments or unexpected situations when you began using the MIVA-MOMS integration that you weren't planning on?

Thanks so much for your comments ahead of time.

Brandon Lubbert
Library and Educational Services
A wholesale company for churches, day care providers,
homeschools, libraries, missionaries, resellers and schools!

(269) 695-1800