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Member Since 01 Sep 2004
Offline Last Active Sep 03 2004 04:50 AM

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In Topic: Moving MOM to new machine

01 September 2004 - 06:06 PM

DPN is correct that you have to do a workstation install, though you can't download it off of Dydacomp's website as you are on version 3.0. (no support) Any reason why you haven't upgraded to MOM 5.1?

In Topic: I Love

01 September 2004 - 06:04 PM


whats your question. maybe I can help you out

In Topic: MOM SQL version

01 September 2004 - 06:01 PM

Hey guys. I work for Dydacomp and would like to shed some light on this post. First off, there is a new version of Sitelink, Sitelink 5.0 which is currently under beta testing. Honestly, I have personally seen it in action and it is quite impressive. As long as your on MOM 5.1 and have SL, you will be able to get it.

Regarding MOM XL (SQL), its most definitly in the works and will undergo beta testing very shortly. As some of you have stated, the SQL Server backend is extremely powerful and has many possibilites from remote access, own backup process, website integration, speed, etc. We have not released any offical documentation at the current time though. Check in with your sales rep and they can provide more information once it arrives and place you on a SQL interest database.

Hope this helps.