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Member Since 23 Jan 2007
Offline Last Active Feb 20 2007 04:28 PM

Topics I've Started

MOM School @ Dydacomp

20 February 2007 - 04:30 PM

Has anyone ever attended? Was it worth the $1600? I might be able to break free to attend but the total investment with lodging and travel would easily run $2500, what do you all think?


Newbie MOM user needs some help.

23 January 2007 - 07:21 AM

I purchased MOM Soho 5.4 last year and was just recently able to install the software, because I am past my trial tech support dates MOM tech support will not answer my calls or emails. I am not really up to speed on computers but have a few good friends that help me out. We setup the import files and loaded everyhing into MOM and for the most part things seem to be working ok except for the following problems.

When adjusting stock levels in the "Adjust Inventory for a Stock Item" screen, the product will be added but it does not input the quanity into the bin. The current stock level will have the correct number but I won't be able to sell the product even though it's on the shelf because MOM doesn't see it in the bin.

UPS pricing seems low, our price level is set from 01/03/2005, does any one show a later date and know how to import this info?

When looking over reports some of the amounts dollar wise seem way off. Eample, we have one product with a quantity of 4 and a cost of $5.00, intead of an inventory value of $20.00 it shows $32,008.00.

My hair is slowly leaving my head in clumps as I continue to pull it out over this, some one please help.