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Mike n

Member Since 10 Nov 2006
Offline Last Active Jun 28 2012 01:34 PM

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In Topic: How to change company name

28 June 2012 - 01:36 PM

Hi There, I've asked your account rep in Sales Lou Evangelista to give you a call to update your MOM system. I've also asked Michael Chichester to call you to help with changing over your merchant accounts. We will be able to do this even without a support contract.

Michael Nardini
VP Customer Service
800-858-3666 x235
[email protected]

I hope this is an easy question: We have changed our company name (for branding issues) but our packing slips and invoices (that MOM prints - we don't use pre-printed forms) still have our old company name on them.

I tried to change the company name and address in Global Parameters, but the company name is locked. The only documentation I found says that "company name is set during initial set up."

But there's got to be a way of changing that name without reinstalling the whole system, right? Does anyone have a solution to this?

Also, we no longer have a support contract, so I can't call Dydacomp.

Thank you!