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Member Since 26 Oct 2006
Offline Last Active Oct 26 2006 12:12 PM

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Downgraded transactions using Authorize.net and MOM 4.3

26 October 2006 - 08:12 AM

It was just brought to my attention by my accounting department that we are getting downgraded transactions using Authorize.net and MOM 4.3 which has caused us several hundred dollars in extra discount rate fees the last few months. My rep from FirstData, (processing company) gave me the info below but so far I have been unable to get a solution from either Dydacomp or Authorize.net. If I can't get this resolved I am just going to move my credit card processing out of MOM which will be a bigger hassle but alot cheaper in the meantime.

There are several choices of software and hardware that would solve your problem and would save you money over downgrades. If your software prompts for all right things no transactions would downgrade.
The software or hardware will need to prompt for:
1. Address (all cards).
2. Business cards (tax, id codes, etc.)

Authorize.net says that they are getting all the info needed except the credit card billing address info. (Which is causing the downgrade on my discount rate.)

Dydacomp says just to upgrade to the newest version because they don't support 4.3 anymore.

Any ideas on resolving this problem would be most appreciated.

Errol Berry
Ultimate Image Inc.
Phone: 480-966-8973
[email protected]