I am an Account Representative at Dydacomp, and I wanted to respond to your post. First of all you are running on a version of MOM that is outdated, and in order to correct your issues with credit card processing-You were given two options:
1. Renew Support and do the latest program updated-
2. Upgrade your MOM program to a version that is up to date and is a guarentee fix to your problem. You are missing out on new features and enhancements of the program.
If you were to discontinue processing credit cards in MOM (as you mentioned), you will lose automation-
With any technology, there are always updates and upgrades-There is a solution to your problem, you just need to decide what the right one is for your business.
If you would like to discuss further, please do not hesitate to contact us at 1-800-858-3666.
- Mail Order Manager & Dydacomp Sitelink Tech Support Forums
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In Topic: Downgraded transactions using and MOM 4.3
03 November 2006 - 07:15 AM
In Topic: has anyone used mom v5.4
13 October 2006 - 05:59 AM
MOM too has a SQL version-it is called XL. As for the Soho Edition of MOM, you are correct, it does run off of a FOX Pro database, but you actually have the ability to add up to 3 workstations. You also have access to most of the modules and services like the Enterprise Edition. As for Sitelink, we have released a new version with improved automated tools. I invite anyone to contact us at 1-800-858-3666 for additional information or for a demo. Of course you can always log onto our website
In Topic: Tell all the MOM users you know!
12 October 2006 - 11:01 AM
Hello All-
I am an Account Representative at Dydacomp, and we appreciate your kind words regarding MOM. is a user forum that some of us do go in and try to help out any customer that is in need. However, we have our own user forum: for our supported clients.
To help our customers, We also have intro calls after install, Tech Support (email, fax, and phone), well documented product-F1 key will have auto help screen, reference guides, and of course training (in house and onsite).
Each customer of MOM, is always assigned an Account Representative to assist-so please contact us at 1-800-858-3666.
I am an Account Representative at Dydacomp, and we appreciate your kind words regarding MOM. is a user forum that some of us do go in and try to help out any customer that is in need. However, we have our own user forum: for our supported clients.
To help our customers, We also have intro calls after install, Tech Support (email, fax, and phone), well documented product-F1 key will have auto help screen, reference guides, and of course training (in house and onsite).
Each customer of MOM, is always assigned an Account Representative to assist-so please contact us at 1-800-858-3666.
- Mail Order Manager & Dydacomp Sitelink Tech Support Forums
- → Viewing Profile: Posts: DANNI
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