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Member Since 05 Jun 2006
Offline Last Active Apr 10 2007 06:34 AM

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Bulk Emailing problems

27 October 2006 - 03:25 AM

We are trying to implement our first email shot which consists of 9500 customers. Although when we have sent the html message through outlook (with 'click yes' programme) to a couple of people the message has sent fine and is able to read. When we then tried to go for it and send to all the customer , all they could read was html script :(

I have also tried it through outlook express - I have checked and double checked all the settings. Then another time it just seemed to block up the SMTP..

In others peoples experience using MOM is this size mailshot really out of MOMs capability when using outlook/OE - I am thinking about buying the Group Mail 5 software to see if this would make things easier.

We are desperate to get this organised - any help please? :D