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Member Since 30 Mar 2006
Offline Last Active Sep 25 2007 12:46 PM

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In Topic: install file

13 February 2007 - 04:47 PM

Thanks for your reply. unfortunately I can't find the file. does anyone know if i can some how copy the files from another worksation to make it work.

I also have my 5.0 cd, but i wasn't sure if i could do that since all the other systems are at 5.4.

any help would be greatly apreciated.



Can anyone answer this question? Due to a PC crash, I have the same problem as above (except that we're running 5.3). Is there any way I can install MOM on my workstation from another workstation? I too have the CD but it's 5.0 and I'm not sure if that would mess things up.

Any ideas and/or guidance would be very helpful!
