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In Topic: Would you buy Mom again? I would not!
13 July 2005 - 06:35 AM
I would buy MOM again. Best bang for the buck that you will find. The learning curve for us has been years but overall we have been happy with the product and service from MOM tech and sales. We still run 4.3 nothing in 5. that appeals to us. Sorry to hear of your troubles.
In Topic: So Is MOM really PCI Compliant??
01 July 2005 - 12:51 PM
If you set MOM up so that users can't see card numbers can they still see the last 4 digets?
In Topic: Retail location
31 March 2005 - 02:57 PM
We bought the POP mod years ago and it was a waist of $. We use our normal MOM if the customers is standing here in front of us or on the phone it makes no difference. We made up a shipping code WI= "walk in" as we call them. Quick print the order and bamm! It's just that simple.
In Topic: Potential Customer Needs User Reviews
05 January 2005 - 04:41 PM
We have a love/hate relationship with our MOM Most of this is learning curve and our curve is on its six year. I don't think you can find better for the money. Support when we need it is pretty good for database problems but I think you will do better just by asking questions on this board for day to day use questions. We are not using sitelink. Works great with world ship. Defiantly use authorise.net this was by far the best change the last few years. We are running version 4.3
In Topic: re-index files
02 December 2004 - 02:11 PM
We use this funtion all the time and do not really know what is being deleted. We do know that using the re-index seems to unclog MOM. It just works better if you re-index from time to time. I re-index at least once a week.
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