The exact information I'm looking for is everything that shows up on the invoice:
Invoice number, ShipTo Company, ShipTo Address, ShipTo City, ShipTo State, ShipTo Zip and Shipping Method (Ground, NDA, 2ND Air).
I am now able to link multiple tables within Worldship's new version 8.0. So if you could tell me what table each one of these fields is located in, I should be good to go.
Also, is there a reference document that I can download that tells me each table within MOM, and a description of the fields within these tables? That would make my life so much easier! Thanks for all your help on this!
P.S. Steve email me at "cdockry at" and I should be able to find you a local UPS Tech. to help you out.
Member Since 10 Jan 2006Offline Last Active Mar 15 2006 02:18 PM