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Member Since 08 Jan 2006
Offline Last Active Jan 08 2006 08:53 PM

Topics I've Started

Brand Newb** Have MOM, Want to Webbify

08 January 2006 - 08:37 AM

Hi-- I've got a really exciting gig going on at work and I could use some help finding out what direction to take.

I'm building my company's website. I was planning on using a PHP/mySQL backend to make the site dynamic and show off our catalog. I hoped to also make an area where the wholesale buyers could place orders. I was just going to do a simple email form, but then I realized there's all sorts of issues like credit card info, etc.

I found out we use MOM to manage orders and my wheels started spinning. What if I coudl just hook into MOM and draw info out of her and dump info into her?

So-- 1) Can I use PHP to communicate with MOM? Where can I find out how to do that?
2) Can I build other tables somewhere and be able to query that stored info in conjunction with MOM?
3) Should I just try to talk my boss into getting SiteLink? Will that do everything for me?

THANKS for your help.
