I also use to run credit card payments for my customers. I do it through the website. Although it works, It's possible for the card to not go through and we get a declined e-mail. This makes it hard because if it declines we have to chase the payment. Do you guys know why this is and what I can do to not have this happen without incurring more expenses?
- Mail Order Manager & Dydacomp Sitelink Tech Support Forums
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In Topic: debit cards vs. credit cards
14 February 2007 - 10:38 PM
In Topic: install file
13 February 2007 - 10:24 PM
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In Topic: Mom Statements SUCK
10 February 2007 - 01:55 PM
Hi JPEnterprises,
I remember my experience with MOM at the helm of my accounting process... generating a statement for a customer was a nightmare. Especially because MOM automatically applies credits to the oldest invoice. In Qb you have the option of using the credit where the customer indicates.
You really need to export your transactions to QB and use QB to track the money.
You can search our forum for some tips on exporting from MOM to QB.
example: MOM to QB
Maybe i'm not understanding. Are you saying that once I post i'll be able to see each customer's records in Quickbooks? I'll be able to see all sales/invoices they have and apply any payments I want? If so how do you do this? I've exported before into Quickbooks, but all I saw it did was giving me journal entry for sales, accounts receivable, accounts payable, cost of goods, etc...
If this isn't the case and you can use the export of MOM in quickbooks how i'm discussing please let me know! I would love this!
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