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Member Since 09 Nov 2005
Offline Last Active Nov 10 2005 09:55 AM

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In Topic: Google Spidering Dydacomp Servers

09 November 2005 - 04:36 PM

Thank you for your post, however I wanted to make sure you know that Dydacomp in no way blocks Google's spiders.

Also, SiteLINK stores are doing great on Google, with many SiteLINK Stores having over 1,000 pages indexed on Google.

As an example:
Site - http://www.gamestation.net/ - 3,670 pages on Google.
Site - http://www.aboyd.com/ - 4,050 pages on Google.
Site - http://www.cyberjeep.com/ - 38,900 pages on Google.
Site - http://www.hyperdrug.com/ - 8,030 pages on Google.
Site - http://www.truebluemusic.com/ - 5,170 pages on Google.
Site - http://www.crystalspringsbooks.com/ - 3,910 pages on Google.

This is proof that SiteLINK stores are getting spidered well and are deeply indexed.

Also, with the built in features specifically for Google (Froogle data feed and Google Sitemap Generator), SiteLINK is designed extremely well for SEO and for Google.

I invite you to give me a call to discuss any concerns you have, and to get more information and accurate information about SiteLINK and the SEO specific features it has, as well as the positive results we've seen since releasing SiteLINK 5.0.


Neal Wexler
Director of SiteLINK Sales
Dydacomp Development Corp.
800-858-3666 x260
[email protected]
SiteLINK Support: 973-774-4100
SiteLINK 24/7: 973-641-0901

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