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Member Since 24 Aug 2005
Offline Last Active Aug 30 2006 11:10 AM

Topics I've Started

Import items into MOM

31 May 2006 - 07:15 AM

I have many (thousands) of new part numbers to add to MOM. Because of the volume of the items that need to be added, rather than enter them by hand we'd like to find a way to import them into MOM. I have Excel files that I would use to populate the database. Can anyone tell me the process to do this? What files do I have to populate and what data fields in each of the files I need to fill? Is there a particular order the files need to be imported into? Is there a particular format the files and cells need to be in to import?

Any help or suggestions would be very appreciated. We are estimating it will take weeks to input all of this information by hand.


File structures

30 January 2006 - 08:42 AM

Does anyone know if there is a listing of all the files that make up MOM and what fields are in each file? In the MOM help there are a few files such as stock.dbf, price.dbf and buyprice.dbf but it doesn't mention many others. It would be nice to know the definitions of the fields in other files such as invantrans and a few others. I haven't been able to locate anything and wondered if this was available.


MOM Training

13 January 2006 - 08:49 AM

Has anyone gone to a MOM training session? Are there any available other than going to NJ for training? I'm looking to get some extensive training on the system to better understand how the system works and how to best make use of the system. I live in the Midwest and would prefer to find somewhere locally but wonder if that is even possible.

If you attended a training session was it worth the time and money?

Any suggestions would be appreciated.


Setting up future pricing

29 August 2005 - 09:11 AM

I have a question on pricing. We are a catalog company and we adjust our pricing and costs two times a year. Is there a way to set pricing and cost changes to automatically occur on a particular date? We don't want our pricing to change on the system until the first date of a new catalog. I haven't been able to find anyway to do this. We have thousands of items and don't want to have to manually adjust each at the same time. Ultimately we'd like to input it as we are working on our next catalog but not have the pricing or costs "turn on" until a specific date.

Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.


New to MOM

24 August 2005 - 07:22 AM

Hi, my name is Michelle and the company I'm working for is brand new and we are in the process of setting up MOM! We are a catalog company selling signs & safety. We have purchased the Import/Export module as well as the advanced warehouse module. We have 4 distribution centers scattered all over the nation where we will house all our inventory, no inventory will be where our main office is.

In my learning process of the system it appears to be very user friendly although there are questions as expected when starting a system from scratch.

I'm glad to find a place to post questions and learn from one another. Any helpful hints or suggestions you have for us in setting the system up to get it ready to go would be most helpful.
