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Member Since 08 Jul 2005
Offline Last Active Jul 08 2005 12:49 PM

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Would you buy Mom again? I would not!

08 July 2005 - 12:41 PM

God help you if you need to call tech support. I promised myself I would log the wait times...now it is about 15 minutes and then they tell you they are experiencing heavy call volume...leave a message.

THEY WILL NOT RETURN YOUR CALL. So you pay EXTRA for support (they do not tell you that when they sell it to you), you have to pay for the phone call and then you get no support. But you PAID for it. How do I get in on that action?

And the support sucks...if I had a stronger term I would use it. Most bottom level techs know how to put a customer in the program but if you have a more complex problem they put you on hold (AGAIN) and ask their supervisor. Why don't the supervisors answer the phone?

And they are so afraid of a person using MOM on another machine they have stronger anti piracy code than the CIA, Federal Government and the Motion Picture Industry combined...and that WILL at some point crash your computer. Then they will send you a fix but you have to call tech support first...you know how it goes from here.

The last time it happened to me was the day before I went on vacation so my staff had to do hand receipts for a week. I finally called sales and bypassed tech support and they emailed me the file to correct the "problem".

All in all, I would not buy MOM. I would buy Atrex and ship using WorldShip. I might still do that! Let me know if you agree.

By the way, if you ever need MOM tech support when Authorize Net is down- YOU WILL NEVER GET THROUGH!