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Member Since 26 May 2005
Offline Last Active Jan 28 2007 08:25 AM

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RR Report Writer vs Crystal Reports vs ???

26 January 2007 - 07:07 PM

We use MOM 6.0 with FoxBase db. We need to get a program to analyze the MOM customer, sales, inventory
etc. relational database. Is there some particular advantage to
getting Crystal Reports, RR Report Writer or another program? What
experience have people had with these programs and what do you recommend?

R&R Xbase Version 6.5 Single User for $250 (from the Liveware web site) is this what we should get?

If you use Access with ODBC what version of Access do you need? Does the ODBC come with Access (stupid question that shows my ignorance)?

What are the pro's and cons of Crystal Reports versus the other choices?

Any help would be appreciated.