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Member Since 15 Apr 2004
Offline Last Active Apr 15 2004 08:28 AM

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Interfacing MOM with EDI

15 April 2004 - 08:27 AM

I am having a problem getting POs from our EDI software(ADX) into MOM and invoices from MOM to the EDI app.
1. POs: The EDI app creates either ASCII or excel output and generally I have tried match the output format to MOMs import.dbf. However,there seems to be some wierd 5 sku limit on any given order - is there any way around this? Most often I have used both an order header file and a order detail file to interface with OE applications, but MOM wants use a single file with each record constituting a PO. Has any body sucessfully interfaced MOM to an EDI appliaction without doing sommersaults with a middleware application to translate between the two systems?
2. Invoices: Why can't I specifically design a output map to match data fields in any order with a specific application (or any appliaction for that matter) ? MOM is very limited in its ability to manipulate the data into or out of the appliaction. What gives Dydacomp? Its a big world out there!

Any help would be appreciated!!!
