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Member Since 14 Apr 2005
Offline Last Active Jul 07 2006 07:11 AM

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In Topic: online store

14 April 2005 - 06:27 AM

did you manage to get all the mom inf in to oscommerce

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I'm certainly curious about the migration from sitelink to OSCommerce. I've use OSCommerce before and its pretty impressive. From my standpoint, and I'm new to sitelink/MOM, OSC is much easier to develop for, customize, and operate. It is cross-platform so you can run it on linux, windows, or any other server paltform you wish, and its fully supported by an open source community of user/developers.

Also i would like to know more about the network infastructure at dydacomp. My employer is using a hosted sitelink package, and it worries me to think an MCI outage could take down all of sitelink. When it comes to hosing ecommerce sites, i would expect redundant data carriers. If MCI Goes down, there should be another data carrier (i.e. verizon, sprint, etc) to fall back on without any service interruption.