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Member Since 23 Feb 2005
Offline Last Active May 10 2005 10:39 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: 1st Sitelink Experience, is it typical?

02 March 2005 - 10:26 AM

We're not talking about making shoes here, we're talking about an online ordering system transitioning from a version which looks like it never should've seen the light of day, to a version that is supposedly better. I looked at some of the examples listed on the link you gave me for sites running your latest version of sitelink, but it's difficult to determine how well it works without actually completing an order. From what I saw so far the billing & shipping forms are labeled! Is it difficult to do the upgrade? Is it time consuming? How long has this release been out? As the creator of this product you should be at the forefront of the upgrade process, not your customers. It's not a matter of taking care of customers first, it's a matter of showing your own confidence in a product you created so your customers can be confident when you ask them to upgrade.

The other guy that posted about the shoes never said the shoemaker was strutting around town in new shoes -- he just said a shoemaker wouldn't go w/ ripped shoes. He would repair them because he had the knowledge and the tools to do so. With such obvious problems in your own store, why wouldn't you repair them?

On another note that email I sent regarding the inversion of the shipping & billing addresses has gone unanswered, as well as a follow-up email I sent after I received the order confirmation w/ the doubled shipping yesterday, and my order status when I check it online still says "no status". Come on, aside from all the problems with sitelink I've experienced, why are you even charging for a trial of your product? And why don't you have a downloadable installer? Unlike the other questions in this post, these last 2 aren't rhetorical.

In Topic: Announcing M.O.M. XL for High Volume Processing

24 February 2005 - 12:42 PM

It's still in beta, and will be for a while. They'll probably release it towards beginning to mid summer. I can't comment on pricing or functionality, but I imagine it will make the cost of a single CPU license of SQL Server look like chump change. :P