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Member Since 22 Feb 2005
Offline Last Active Dec 15 2006 01:00 AM

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In Topic: Filtering DBUWIN table

14 December 2006 - 05:24 AM

Hi Darren,

Once you create the Mycust database you need to use DBUWIN to create an index.

1. Open your new database in DBUWIN
3. Type the following exactly: "CUSTNUM"

Now open R & R report writer and create a new report with CUST.dbf related to MYCUST via CUSTNUM index.

I have a sample report to attach to this post but the forum generated the following error:

Posted Image Upload failed. Please ask the administrator to ensure the uploads directory is writeable

Oh i see,

We dont have R&R writer and was hoping to do this directly in DBUWIN, i am able to create an index ect, but really wanted to see if I could filter the cust table based on the mycust table. Do you think this is possible?