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Member Since 19 Jan 2005
Offline Last Active Jan 26 2005 04:03 AM

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In Topic: Anyone experienced a 'DLDONE' error?

19 January 2005 - 03:56 AM

We used to get this probelm off and on over the 5 years i maintained mom and it's usually the result of several crash cause=sing corruption in the start fiel , the simple solution I found (and I assume people are making a momcopy daily) is to just take the start file from the copy and replace the one in the live database and you'll be on your way in 5 minutes
So has anyone else been experiencing this error?  It occurred again today and on Tuesday.  When I talked to Dydacomp's tech support today I was told that this is a Service Pack 2 issue.  A zip file containing 10 files was sent to me.  I extracted it to our MOM directory on our win2kserver.  I am able to log in again.  Hopefully it does fix the 'DLDONE' error for good.


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