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Member Since 23 Dec 2008
Offline Last Active Mar 18 2009 01:08 PM

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In Topic: Shipipng With Fedex

30 December 2008 - 06:56 AM

Your labels should be printed at the end of the day when you run your batch.

The box for "cafe" is checked.


In Topic: Shipipng With Fedex

23 December 2008 - 11:03 AM

Ok ... under shipping method look-up hit new, this will set you up with a screen where you can set up new settings for a shipping carrier. I hope that helps.

In Topic: Shipipng With Fedex

23 December 2008 - 10:59 AM

UPS Costs have just gotten out of hand lately.

Is there integrated shipping with Fedex on version 5.4? I see some info within global parameters but I can't find info on how to set it up.

I currently use the integrated usps and ups and would love to know if I could easily add the Fedex.


I am pretty sure I can help you with this. We use FedEx shipping on version 5.4 ... give me some time I'll see what I can do.