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Member Since 18 Nov 2008
Offline Last Active Mar 23 2010 10:35 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Tell all the MOM users you know!

23 March 2010 - 10:35 AM

Bullshit ! Bullshit ! Bullshit ! I have been using MOM for 15 years and the current version along with the current management at Dydacomp SUCK ! Do not buy this crap.
Bad software. Bad support and now I don't even understand what they are saying. Can it get any worse ? I can list issue after issue most of which have never been resolved.

In Topic: MOM guru?

23 March 2010 - 08:45 AM

I have been using MOM for 15 years. That it sucks is an understatement. Do us all a favor and find an alternative and let us know.

In Topic: New Sitelink memo encryption

04 June 2009 - 05:54 AM

Sitelink Team,

You have some nerve. I have had the same problem and it has taken you months to come up with a semi fix.
I have other issues that I have given up on.

Where do you get off with this bullshit. You are a bunch of incompetent employees working for what has now become a has been company that can�t get anything done. I will watch your slow death. Perhaps you guys are believing your own bullshit. Take it from me, in it's current state MOM SUCKS and your employees suck even more. Just a matter of time. "Arrogance usually comes before the fall"

Don�t get me started with my list of all your features that do not work and your inability to fix them.

Hey Louis Evangelist, I am still waiting for a quote on that custom work. As a matter of fact it has been 2 months. Please hurry I have not left my desk or eaten and now I need to go to the bathroom. Since it is so important for my business I will be waiting right here for your call, holding my bowel movement.

Dydacomp employees If any of you had any pride you would not come anywhere near this board.

Seriously folks if you care about your business you won�t come near this software.
You can�t bullshit me I have a MOM user for 15 years. If you want all the reasons not to come anywhere near this software give me a call 800-230-5955

Neal Wexler "CHUMP" give me call or I'll come to your office. I am only 15 minutes away. We will have a heart to heart, face to face on how your company has hurt my company and my sales. How can you sell this crap with a straight face ?

Anyone out there that wants to file legal action against Dydacomp give me a call. Class action will work for me. I have pages and pages of documentation and tons of audio recordings. "Yes it's legal to record someone without their knowledge in the state of NJ". Here is my number again 800-230-5955. PUT UP or SHUT UP.

Hey Mike Scheister "sorry if i did not spell your name right" I really like how you think you are to good to return my phone calls. Wait are you an employee getting a paycheck ? LOOSER !

Anyone have anything to say come and say it to my face. I am here 9 to 5. My address is 436 Getty Ave Clifton, NJ. Or I can come and meet you or I can come to your place of work and meet you in the parking lot. "WE CAN TALK ABOUT IT"
Here is my cell 201-362-5486 just in case you get the itch after hours.

LIC #2971
15 year MOM �Mail Order Mismanagement� user.

In Topic: MOM a Nightmare

09 April 2009 - 11:41 AM

What you are seeing is the frustration of having to deal with these people and if that helps others not get involved with this company then it is a success.
By the way my nightmare continues. I literally call dydacomp at least once a day.
This software is a joke. I have never seen anything like this and what is up with all these backend utilities to help with the fact that the software does not function.
To add insult to injury I e-mailed their president Mr.Vhealy and I did not even get the courtesy of a response. Mind You I have been a customer for 15 years.
Thanks MR. Vhealy, now I see how come your company is the way it is. It always starts from the top. What is it that they say. �Arrogance usually comes before the fall�