Hi all,
Recently had MOM6 (UK version) installed, and I'm going to be responsible for customising it and making sure that all of the features that the old system had are possible using MOM.
Most of the bits that I'm going to have to do are reports and custom paperwork, and I was told by the chap who performed the installation that it was possible to get MS Access to talk to the MOM6 database (via OLE connection). Excellent, I thought as I am very familiar with Access, and could use it to create reports, populate other systems etc, etc. Now I've just spent the best part of 4 hours trying to get Access 2003 to talk to the FoxPro 9 database. I've got nowhere with it, so was wondering if anybody else had any ideas. I've tried on both my Vista laptop and my XP desktop (and sorted out the triedit.dll issue on the Vista machine) and get diddly from both.
Now I have a solid programing background so am happy to whip up a ASP front end, or a Visual Basic program, but without having some kind of Data Dictionary and a Relationship Diagram, am not going to have much luck.
My personal preference would be to stay with Access, as should I ever leave or not be available, another IT bod can come in and tackle it, but if I have to, I'll resort to ASP.
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In Topic: Struggling - FoxPro9 and Access 2003
15 July 2008 - 04:51 AM
Did you ever resolve this post. I am a new UK MOM 6 user and have the same issue.?
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