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Member Since 20 Jun 2008
Offline Last Active Jun 24 2008 09:31 AM

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A better way to display products?

20 June 2008 - 03:49 PM

Howdy all,

I've looked all over the place and done some digging and cannot seem to find the answer to my prayers (literally)...

What I ask is simple enough:

We're using MOM 5.4 and SiteLink to publish our online catalog store. Currently, the only way item permutations can be displayed is in a long list format. e.g. we have a product that comes in 5 different colors, so we must publish each color as a separate item that will ALL appear in a list on the page. When you have about 3 products with 4-8 colors each on the page, this gets very crowded.

Of course there is a better way:

I want to make ONE product page per item with a drop-down menu that will let you select the color. Easy right? I want whoops... 6 of them... in red... click buy and it adds 6 red whoops to your cart... all from just one product page. Many many many online stores have this functionality, and I want to replicate it.

Seems simple enough, but MOM/SiteLink are so convoluted that I can hardly ever get it to change its mind. Displaying 50 separate products on a page where you could be displaying 3 or 4 (with selectable colors) is just plain stupid, and right now that's what we're doing.

So my question to all you fine ladies and gentlemen is this: how can I achieve this rudimentary functionality (that is easily delivered by many other platforms) for my web store with SiteLink? I can't stand the way its being done now and if this can't be done we'll be forced to switch systems (which no one ever wants to do).

Thanks all,

- Jason