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pricing structure importing

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#1 mateo



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Posted 03 October 2005 - 03:20 PM

Hello there.

I am currently trying to set up MOM to have different pricing structures for wholesaler, jobber and retail. I understand through cryptic conversations with MOM tech support (which ended Fri for us BTW) that customer type codes can distinguish these levels. Say type code1 we specify W,J, and R for different pricing structures, what .dbf can I populate to relate to those different customer codes?

It seeems to me that there is provision for different price lists (not formulas, but lists) in the catalog code input, where is the list kept and therefore populated in dbwin?

I am an obvious novice, but I'm not dense (well, OK, perhaps I am al ittle dense). I am just really having a hard time wrapping my head around how the engine functions to index different pricing levels. Any help would be appreciated. If it's been discussed before, forgive me. I did a search in the archives and didnt find what I need.

I understand I can manually do it one-at-a-time, but that is not practical in the volume of parts we need to keep track of and most suppliers supply us with a digital price list (.xls) already.

Thanks in Advance,

Matt Sheppard
The Racer's Group
Petaluma, CA

#2 Journeyman1



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Posted 05 October 2005 - 12:51 PM


If you look at price.dbf, you will see that it has fields for Ctype, Ctype2, Ctype3. I believe these are populated when a given price for a given item is dependent on the customer type.

I am a novice, too, so I suggest manually creating a few customer-type-dependent price levels through MOM's interface, then seeing how they show up in the table. I don't know if this is linked to any other tables, so caveat manipulator.

Best of luck,

Evan Frink
Journeyworks Publishing

Hello there.

I am currently trying to set up MOM to have different pricing structures for wholesaler, jobber and retail. I understand through cryptic conversations with MOM tech support (which ended Fri for us BTW) that customer type codes can distinguish these levels. Say type code1 we specify W,J, and R for different pricing structures, what .dbf can I populate to relate to those different customer codes?

It seeems to me that there is provision for different price lists (not formulas, but lists) in the catalog code input, where is the list kept and therefore populated in dbwin?

I am an obvious novice, but I'm not dense (well, OK, perhaps I am al ittle dense). I am just really having a hard time wrapping my head around how the engine functions to index different pricing levels. Any help would be appreciated. If it's been discussed before, forgive me. I did a search in the archives and didnt find what I need.

I understand I can manually do it one-at-a-time, but that is not practical in the volume of parts we need to keep track of and most suppliers supply us with a digital price list (.xls) already.

Thanks in Advance,

Matt Sheppard
The Racer's Group
Petaluma, CA

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#3 Stockroom.com



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Posted 07 October 2005 - 11:16 AM

Yes, that is done in price.dbf... for each price level, there will be a separate entry in that dbf, with a particular ctype.

e.g. We use "W" in the ctype1 field for our wholesale accounts, and then you would enter a W price in the price.dbf with W in ctype1.

...And then you'll be in the same annoying position I'm in, which is that I don't know an easy way to print up a wholesale price list, or to edit pricing. That's why I logged in to this group today, to see if anyone has a utility for doing that.

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(using MOM since 1999)


#4 dseibold


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Posted 07 October 2005 - 01:24 PM

Yes, that is done in price.dbf... for each price level, there will be a separate entry in that dbf, with a particular ctype.

e.g. We use "W" in the ctype1 field for our wholesale accounts, and then you would enter a W price in the price.dbf with W in ctype1.

...And then you'll be in the same annoying position I'm in, which is that I don't know an easy way to print up a wholesale price list, or to edit pricing. That's why I logged in to this group today, to see if anyone has a utility for doing that.

Founder/President, Stockroom.com
(using MOM since 1999)


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That should be easy to do using either Access or Report Writer. Do you have either of those available?
David Seibold
Wild Horses, Inc.
Operations Manager

#5 Stockroom.com



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Posted 07 October 2005 - 03:39 PM

That should be easy to do using either Access or Report Writer. Do you have either of those available?

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No, I don't. I do have Visual FoxPro though....?

Thanks for the response, David. I'm new to this site, but it looks like you're one of the active posters who is keeping the site going.

This pricing situation is a pain. Looking at the STOCK.DBF file, it seems that the numbers in the "Uncost" never change, and so it's a useless field as far as I can tell, and I don't know why it's there. Then there is "Reordprice," but that also does not reflect the current price. I need the most recent price that an item was received at. As far as I can tell, that would be the last entry for each given item from the INVENTOR.DBF file? I'm not sure how to pull that out... and then of course I'd want it added to a spreadsheet along with pricing that came from both STOCK.DBF and PRICE.DBF (regular and wholesale prices).

That would finally give me the correct data that I need to edit my prices, but then I'll still need to figure out how to get that data properly imported back into MOM.

I am not an IT person... the IT guy I do have is new, busy with other high-priority issues, and not really familiar with the MOM data structure yet (if anybody really does understand all that soup of .DBF files). But it seems like making up a sheet that has costs and prices for each item would be a painfully obvious report that anyone would want, and I don't get why there doesn't seem to be any way of getting that information accurately from MOM.

I guess this should have been its own thread. This was why I signed on today, looking for information on how to handle this data. Surely others have faced this same mess with MOM, and I was hoping there was an easy solution so I didn't have to reinvent the wheel.


#6 dseibold


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Posted 07 October 2005 - 04:10 PM

>No, I don't. I do have Visual FoxPro though....?

I've never worked with Visual FoxPro so I can't help you there.

>This pricing situation is a pain. Looking at the STOCK.DBF file, it seems that the >numbers in the "Uncost" never change, and so it's a useless field as far as I can >tell, and I don't know why it's there.

The Uncost does change according to how you have set it up to calculate the unit cost. We use the average price calculation to determine our unit cost and it is usually accurate.

>Then there is "Reordprice," but that also does not reflect the current price. I >need the most recent price that an item was received at.

If you correct the price when you receive a Purchase Order, the new price should be shown in this box.

>As far as I can tell, that would be the last entry for each given item from the >INVENTOR.DBF file? I'm not sure how to pull that out... and then of course I'd >want it added to a spreadsheet along with pricing that came from both >STOCK.DBF and PRICE.DBF (regular and wholesale prices).

>That would finally give me the correct data that I need to edit my prices, but >then I'll still need to figure out how to get that data properly imported back into >MOM.

THis can be done easily by your IT guy as soon as he gets time to work on it. If you had one of the programs I use, I could send it to you in a few minutes...

The info you describe is very important... however, not everyone uses MOM in the same fashion as you... I guess MOM wasn't planning on your use... Hopefully they will correct this in future versions.

Hope this helps!
David Seibold
Wild Horses, Inc.
Operations Manager

#7 john


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Posted 14 October 2005 - 05:16 AM

the best idea was listed below - create a few prices in "special pricing" with the parameters and see how they populate in PRICE.DBF. i just copy that table to excel. list all the SKU's that require speical pricing and reimport.

a quick hint - if you use a CTYPE field to trigger a discrete price, make sure that you cannot create a CTYPE on the fly -- see Global Parameter Maintenance > customer entry. make sure the "on the fly" boxes are unchecked.

MOM's pricing engine is a little funny, but i have found that we have good control over it. if you use special pricing to create a discrete price, it works pretty well. there are a lot of parameters you can change which would suit a variety of B2C and B2B (discounted pricing for volume or contracts.) these discrete prices display on order screen and invoice, which is nice.

if you use the "order minimum," you can ONLY assign a % DISCOUNT. so if you have a $100 order minimum to receive a discounted price, you have to express that as a % off list. the positive is it is automatic, no CSR policing. The downside is that the order and invoice show LIST price and the % discount and the extended price - not the discrete price. we have had a few customers complain because it is a little confusing. I doubt MOM would address this presentation issue because the logic is a little complex.

#8 john


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Posted 14 October 2005 - 05:20 AM

>No, I don't. I do have Visual FoxPro though....?

I've never worked with Visual FoxPro so I can't help you there.

>This pricing situation is a pain. Looking at the STOCK.DBF file, it seems that the >numbers in the "Uncost" never change, and so it's a useless field as far as I can >tell, and I don't know why it's there.

The Uncost does change according to how you have set it up to calculate the unit cost. We use the average price calculation to determine our unit cost and it is usually accurate.

>Then there is "Reordprice," but that also does not reflect the current price. I >need the most recent price that an item was received at.

If you correct the price when you receive a Purchase Order, the new price should be shown in this box.

>As far as I can tell, that would be the last entry for each given item from the >INVENTOR.DBF file? I'm not sure how to pull that out... and then of course I'd >want it added to a spreadsheet along with pricing that came from both >STOCK.DBF and PRICE.DBF (regular and wholesale prices).

>That would finally give me the correct data that I need to edit my prices, but >then I'll still need to figure out how to get that data properly imported back into >MOM.

THis can be done easily by your IT guy as soon as he gets time to work on it. If you had one of the programs I use, I could send it to you in a few minutes...

The info you describe is very important... however, not everyone uses MOM in the same fashion as you... I guess MOM wasn't planning on your use... Hopefully they will correct this in future versions.

Hope this helps!

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MOM has funny way of hiding some key variables...try BUYPRICE.DBF. I'm pretty sure that it contains the latest PO price for your items. Now if MOM would only allow you to store FUTURE pricing -- that is the way the really sophisticated systems work....

#9 Videoflicks2004



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Posted 15 October 2005 - 08:06 AM

No, I don't. I do have Visual FoxPro though....?

Thanks for the response, David. I'm new to this site, but it looks like you're one of the active posters who is keeping the site going.

This pricing situation is a pain. Looking at the STOCK.DBF file, it seems that the numbers in the "Uncost" never change, and so it's a useless field as far as I can tell, and I don't know why it's there. Then there is "Reordprice," but that also does not reflect the current price. I need the most recent price that an item was received at. As far as I can tell, that would be the last entry for each given item from the INVENTOR.DBF file? I'm not sure how to pull that out... and then of course I'd want it added to a spreadsheet along with pricing that came from both STOCK.DBF and PRICE.DBF (regular and wholesale prices).

That would finally give me the correct data that I need to edit my prices, but then I'll still need to figure out how to get that data properly imported back into MOM.

I am not an IT person... the IT guy I do have is new, busy with other high-priority issues, and not really familiar with the MOM data structure yet (if anybody really does understand all that soup of .DBF files). But it seems like making up a sheet that has costs and prices for each item would be a painfully obvious report that anyone would want, and I don't get why there doesn't seem to be any way of getting that information accurately from MOM.

I guess this should have been its own thread. This was why I signed on today, looking for information on how to handle this data. Surely others have faced this same mess with MOM, and I was hoping there was an easy solution so I didn't have to reinvent the wheel.

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Hey Stockroom,

I like this forum. I've actually substituted MOMFAQ for Dydacomp tech support .. go figure... Fact of the matter is that the people on this forum have more experience than the new C.S.R's at Dydacomp. (ouch.. cheap shot)

I just wanted to point out that the UNCOST field in STOCK.DBF is the current COST of the product you are buying.

I have setup MOM to maintain product costs on a Last In FIrst Out basis. Therefore, the UNCOST (or unit cost) is whatever I buy it for on the last batch.

Let me know if you need some file specs for the mom database. I may have already posted them in this forum.


David Narciso
Ecommerce Operations Manager CVS Inc

[email protected]

mobile: 4168238175

DISCLAIMER: Always backup your MOMWIN folder before attempting to perform any updates, testing, etc. Once you blast the data away it's gone forever.
My advice is based on my 8 years of experience with MOM and Dydacomp. If you are not comfortable with data manipulation then hire someone who is.

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