Google Spidering Dydacomp Servers
Posted 11 May 2005 - 09:49 AM
Also note that this problem will apply to any database driven website, which is what Sitelink is, and the the main reason we have stayed with the task of maintaining a static site.
After reading the above article go to this Sitelink store and click on some of the product pages and you will see the characters in the URL the article is talking about.
Beyond this I do not know what else can be done to avoid this problem. I know Google has been making advances in indexing these type of websites but don't know how far along they are. I do know there are solutions at the server end but again it is beyond my scope.
I would love to switch to a database driven site but would probably end up jumping off a bridge when our search engine listings went away. So until someone can guarantee in writing that we will lose no business by switching we are staying with the static site.
Good luck.
Posted 11 May 2005 - 10:12 AM
Thank you for the link to the article. It's very informative, but I believe may be a little dated. Search engines have improved greatly over the last couple of years in spidering and listing dynamic websites.
The rule of thumb now is not to have more than two special characters (? or &) within the URL, SiteLINK only uses one, so we are better than the standard. Too many variables can cause a spider problems, but one or two are fine.
SiteLINK also uses many pages that do not have any special characters at all, such as the sitemap page, about us page, etc.
There are too many dynamic websites on the internet for search engines to not improve their spiders to crawl them effectively, so you shouldn't be afraid of them. There are just things that can be done to improve how they get ranked. As with anything, there are pros and cons about every option available, and the more you know, the better you can make the choice work for you.
Dydacomp knows a lot about dynamic websites and search engines, because that's what we do for a living.
If anyone would like any more information about SiteLINK�s SEO features or for a demonstration of how some live SiteLINK stores are appearing in search engines, please feel free to contact me.
Neal Wexler
Director of SiteLINK Sales
Dydacomp Development Corp.
800-858-3666 x260
[email protected]
SiteLINK Support: 973-774-4100
SiteLINK 24/7: 973-641-0901
New SiteLINK Blog: http://www.livejourn...users/sitelink/
New Dydacomp Marketing and Graphic Design Services
* * * * Affordable marketing and graphic design! * * * *
We can assist you in creating advertising banners for link exchanges, graphical designs for postcards, designs for HTML email blasts, advertising for print or web, pamphlets, product literature, company logos, or complete corporate image design.
The new SiteLINK 5.0 User Guide is now available in PDF format. Ask for your copy today.
Posted 13 May 2005 - 08:41 AM
From what I understand most search engines hate asp and refuse to spider it or do so grudgingly. That's why if you look at www.mohotta.com as noted above you can see that the product urls do not contain variables and are search engine friendly. http://www.mohotta.c...iew/product/1/8 You can look at articles like http://www.smalig.co..._rewrite-en.htm for a product that sorts this issue out http://www.asp101.co...mes/default.asp and http://www.devarticl...ngine-Friendly/ which explains it all, the latter refers to php but the principal is the same. Until Dydacomp understands this and makes the appropriate modifications to thier web servers it will continue to be a problem. Given that these techniques remove the issue altogether why not do it and remove any doubt.
I agree with the previous poster, people who are serious about it have moved on to customer service driven hosts that understands this and has dealt with the issue.
Posted 13 May 2005 - 09:50 AM
This topic was started a while ago and that was before the new version of SiteLINK is released. It is true that since the older version of SiteLINK was built before SEO was as clearly defined, it had a lot of things inherent in it that were not search engine spider friendly.
However, that is specifically why we designed SiteLINK 5.0. We studied search engine optimization with dynamic websites in great detail and used the techniques to build a very spider friendly store program.
The complaints were from users using the older version of SiteLINK. With the new version, SiteLINK 5.0, our customers have reported tremendous improvement in their search engine ranks and in the number of pages that are indexed. Many have also commented in their actual online business doubling or tripling from before they upgraded to SiteLINK 5.0.
The proof is in the pudding, as you say, and I can give anyone who is interested references to speak to, just contact me.
I must also correct a mistake you made. You said that "people who are serious about it have moved on to customer service driven hosts", but you can't be more incorrect. Dydacomp currently hosts over 450 SiteLINK stores and we've seen our largest growth in the last 4 months since releasing SiteLINK 5.0. We've actually had many stores move back to SiteLINK from many of these so-called "SiteLINK alternatives" since releasing SiteLINK 5.0.
If SiteLINK is so terrible, why are so many people using, loving, and prospering from SiteLINK?
The fact remains that dynamic websites can do well in search engines and search engines are improving their spiders all the time to better search dynamic websites. SiteLINK, as well, will always continue to improve itself with better features, functionality, and search engine optimization... and trying to scare people away from SiteLINK will not work, because people know quality when they see it, and SiteLINK is a quality program, from a quality company, with a long proven track record.
As always, I'm fully open to speak to anyone who would like to have a conversation about SiteLINK or search engine optimization. Feel free to contact me anytime.
I'm always adding to my blog ( http://www.livejourn...users/sitelink/ ), so check that out, as it gives great tips about SEO for your site, and continue to check me out as I'm published in the coolsiteoftheday.com Webmaster Newsletter with tips and information about SEO and the web.
Neal Wexler
Director of SiteLINK Sales
Dydacomp Development Corp.
800-858-3666 x260
[email protected]
SiteLINK Support: 973-774-4100
SiteLINK 24/7: 973-641-0901
Posted 18 September 2005 - 10:10 PM
Posted 19 September 2005 - 09:43 AM
Also, SiteLINK stores are doing great on Google, with many SiteLINK Stores having over 1,000 pages indexed on Google.
As an example:
Site - http://www.gamestation.net/ - 3,670 pages on Google.
Site - http://www.aboyd.com/ - 4,050 pages on Google.
Site - http://www.cyberjeep.com/ - 38,900 pages on Google.
Site - http://www.hyperdrug.com/ - 8,030 pages on Google.
Site - http://www.truebluemusic.com/ - 5,170 pages on Google.
Site - http://www.crystalspringsbooks.com/ - 3,910 pages on Google.
This is proof that SiteLINK stores are getting spidered well and are deeply indexed.
Also, with the built in features specifically for Google (Froogle data feed and Google Sitemap Generator), SiteLINK is designed extremely well for SEO and for Google.
I invite you to give me a call to discuss any concerns you have, and to get more information and accurate information about SiteLINK and the SEO specific features it has, as well as the positive results we've seen since releasing SiteLINK 5.0.
Neal Wexler
Director of SiteLINK Sales
Dydacomp Development Corp.
800-858-3666 x260
[email protected]
SiteLINK Support: 973-774-4100
SiteLINK 24/7: 973-641-0901
Posted 09 November 2005 - 04:36 PM
Thank you for your post, however I wanted to make sure you know that Dydacomp in no way blocks Google's spiders.
Also, SiteLINK stores are doing great on Google, with many SiteLINK Stores having over 1,000 pages indexed on Google.
As an example:
Site - http://www.gamestation.net/ - 3,670 pages on Google.
Site - http://www.aboyd.com/ - 4,050 pages on Google.
Site - http://www.cyberjeep.com/ - 38,900 pages on Google.
Site - http://www.hyperdrug.com/ - 8,030 pages on Google.
Site - http://www.truebluemusic.com/ - 5,170 pages on Google.
Site - http://www.crystalspringsbooks.com/ - 3,910 pages on Google.
This is proof that SiteLINK stores are getting spidered well and are deeply indexed.
Also, with the built in features specifically for Google (Froogle data feed and Google Sitemap Generator), SiteLINK is designed extremely well for SEO and for Google.
I invite you to give me a call to discuss any concerns you have, and to get more information and accurate information about SiteLINK and the SEO specific features it has, as well as the positive results we've seen since releasing SiteLINK 5.0.
Neal Wexler
Director of SiteLINK Sales
Dydacomp Development Corp.
800-858-3666 x260
[email protected]
SiteLINK Support: 973-774-4100
SiteLINK 24/7: 973-641-0901
Posted 10 November 2005 - 08:22 AM
Neal Wexler
Director of SiteLINK Sales
Dydacomp Development Corp.
800-858-3666 x260
[email protected]
SiteLINK Custom Work: [email protected]
SiteLINK Support: 973-774-4100
SiteLINK 24/7: 973-641-0901
Posted 16 December 2008 - 07:26 AM
I have several clients running websites that use mom and they are getting Google placement. Search for 'Hot Sauce' and look at www.mohotta.com. I know that it is not just a Google issue because Mohotta is appearing well. Good Luck....
Nathan Focht
Hello All,
I was a sitelink user. I am currently setting up an ecommerce site with CommerceV3. I would be happy to give you a conversion/setup and a spidering results review once the site is established with them.
Kindest Regards,
Garrett Hall
The Added Touch
Posted 19 December 2008 - 12:47 AM
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
Neal Wexler
Director of SiteLINK Sales
Dydacomp Development Corp.
800-858-3666 x260
[email protected]
SiteLINK Custom Work: [email protected]
SiteLINK Support: 973-774-4100
SiteLINK 24/7: 973-641-0901
I find this funny, as typically when I call up SiteLINK concerning something like our site being the day before Thanksgiving, no one is able to answer the phone. And when I leave a message on the after-hours machine, and send an email or three I get no response.
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