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Google Spidering Dydacomp Servers

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#1 chili



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Posted 24 April 2004 - 12:20 PM

I have been using Sitelink for 2 years now. I have recently noticed that we lost our rankings on Google--it appears sometime in January. If you do a search for our URL on Google, we are not there.

After doing a lot of investigation I discovered that all of the URLs of other Sitelink users that are listed on Dydacomps website are not found on Google either. Except for the 2 or 3 that are using a server from some other location. This was verified by going to www.netsol.com and doing a "who is" search to identify the server.

After having two different conference calls with Dydacomp, which included my SEO company and me, we have yet to get Dydacomp to admit they have a problem. Has anyone else been dealing with this issue? And if so have you been able to get any information our of them.

#2 Guest_bye bye sitelink_*

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Posted 04 May 2004 - 05:12 PM

We too are experiencing the same problem. The crew at SiteLINK are useless they don't care about our rankings otherwise they would not have allowed this to happen in the first place. Kiss all that time and money that you spent in optimization good bye.

Can anyone say class action.

We are not waiting for the SL crew to pull their heads out, we are going to just write it off as we have found a better way, which by the way can be done much for much less, with faster hosting, more data transfer and pages that are optimized for the search engines.

#3 Guest_Guest_Chili_*

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Posted 06 May 2004 - 08:51 AM

Thank you for your response.

I am curious as to what solution you have decided to go with.

#4 Guest_JV_*

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Posted 07 May 2004 - 08:06 PM

I was told at one point the spiders were shut off from accessing the sites and now the sites are able to be read - But I too have lost my listing on google - do you have proof one way or another that google sppiders cannot read all sitelink sites??

#5 4mdogbooks



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Posted 10 May 2004 - 02:14 PM

We are also experiencing this problem. We have not been able to get a resonable answer from SiteLink Support as to why this is happening. They made it seem like it was only a problem with our site and not with all of their clients. I was just doing a search to see if their site comes up on google and found this forum. I am so greatful I did. I didn't know about the SiteLink Alternative. Thanks! I would also be interested in any proof that google spiders can't read all SiteLink sites.

#6 Guest_Guest_Chili_*

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Posted 11 May 2004 - 04:51 AM

The only proof I have is empirical. The fact that you can go to dydacomp's web site and pick any client they have listed as a Sitelink user and do a search on google, using their URL, with no results, tells me plenty.

Secondly, the two or three clients listed on Dydacomp's web site that can be found by URL on Google do not used Dydacomps hosting services. This can be clearly verified by going to Network Solutions' web site and do a "who is" such on the URL and see that the technical contacts and IP addresses listed are not associated to Dydacomp.

I have confronted Dydacomp with these fact, and still all I get is denial. They must think we are complete idiots.

#7 4mdogbooks



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Posted 11 May 2004 - 10:11 AM

I just got my reply from SiteLINK Support and here is the response:

A big misconception people have is that Google is only not able to spider Sitelink stores- but that is not the case- Google is having trouble spidering all sites throughout the Internet. I know people who don't use Sitelink whose sites used to rank high on Google but don't anymore.
We found out that Google recently changed their search algorithm, and
there were problems with the new algorithm. Some of our Sitelink
stores who fell off Google several weeks ago are back on now, so apparently they fixed the problem. However, it takes a while for Google to index all the sites properly again, so some sites still are not ranking high on Google.
You may want to look at a Google forum that has a lot of helpful
information- the address is http://groups.google...support.general

I was just reading the google forum and didn't find anything helpful yet. What is interesting is that you (Chili) lost your ranking in January and so did we. But google didn't change their algorithm until recently. I would be curious to know if anyone who changed from SiteLINk to an alternative because of these problems, did it solve the google problem?

#8 Guest_Rogue Bolo_*

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Posted 12 May 2004 - 08:21 AM

I have discovered some of the problems Google is having with the sitelink stores.

1. The default page for the stores is a redirect. The latest update for Google and many other search engines ignores redirects. So, when they come to the first page on the site they see nothing but a redirect and leave. If you have Front Page Extensions installed you can fix this problem yourself. All you have to do is copy and rename home.asp as default.asp, be sure to save a back-up copy of default.asp. This gives the spiders a real page to look at instead of just a redirect.

2. Google can read the .asp pages but only if they have 2 or less variables. The problem is if you use the size/color option for an item it will have 3 variables. So, what will happen is only your department pages will index because Goole ignores the detailed product pages. I do not have a fix for this other than not to use size/color in stock numbering.

Hope this helps.

#9 [email protected]

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Posted 14 May 2004 - 07:38 AM

It is a bit disgusting that after 5 years of being in the top 20 on Google, as soon as we made the switch to Sitelink, we dropped out of site. Has anyone had experience with the other ISP that can host and work with MOM?? And yes, I can say class action!

#10 4mdogbooks



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Posted 14 May 2004 - 08:44 AM

Disgusting isn't a strong enough word for it. We were in the top 2 and dropped out of site as soon as we switched. I am currently talking to Freeportway, Able Commerce and E-business Coach. Also found Stone Edge, Web Design Solutions and Blue Water Tech Solutions. So depending on your needs there is something for everyone.

I found out from SiteLINK support that they had put filters in place to limit hits from Google. The filters were in place until two months ago but my traffic still hasn't improved and my web site doesn't come up on Google even if you search by our Company name. I am trying to find someone at Google to help me see why we aren't coming up now that the filters are removed. But no luck so far.

Yes, I think we all can say class action at this point.


#11 uwe999



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Posted 15 May 2004 - 10:24 AM

Disgusting isn't a strong enough word for it. We were in the top 2 and dropped out of site as soon as we switched. I am currently talking to Freeportway, Able Commerce and E-business Coach. Also found Stone Edge, Web Design Solutions and Blue Water Tech Solutions. So depending on your needs there is something for everyone.

I found out from SiteLINK support that they had put filters in place to limit hits from Google. The filters were in place until two months ago but my traffic still hasn't improved and my web site doesn't come up on Google even if you search by our Company name. I am trying to find someone at Google to help me see why we aren't coming up now that the filters are removed. But no luck so far.

Yes, I think we all can say class action at this point.


you might want to submit your site to google.com, it usually takes a few weeks for them to reindex your site. Before you do that I recommend checking out the SEO tutorial at:

You seem to be missing one of the most important things: put your product names or keywords in the page title, all your pages titles right now just say "welcome to 4mdogbooks.com". This is one of the most important things to optimize for Google!

#12 4mdogbooks



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Posted 17 May 2004 - 10:18 AM

I was told that because of the way SiteLINK works (asp) that all of my pages need to have the same title and meta tags. My old site was html and every page had a different title and meta tag. We have created some html pages and I have submitted them to google but no luck so far.

Thanks for the link to SEO Tutorial. I will see if there is anything I can do to help get us on Google again.

#13 aboyd



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Posted 19 May 2004 - 02:59 AM

I asked the sitelink tech to make our page titles equal our product description and they were able to do it in a little under an hour. They also added the meta tags I wanted. We should get pretty good listings if we could just get google to spider us. But so far nothing.

#14 dpn



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Posted 19 May 2004 - 01:44 PM

My experience is that the googlebot crawls a site home page once a day and the entire site once every 30 days for the first 3 months. If every time the googlebot comes back it sees that lots of pages have been updated and the site seems legit this interval is cut down to the point where they are crawling pages all the time.

Hope that helps,


#15 Guest_Nathan Focht_*

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Posted 14 June 2004 - 10:39 AM

I have several clients running websites that use mom and they are getting Google placement. Search for 'Hot Sauce' and look at www.mohotta.com. I know that it is not just a Google issue because Mohotta is appearing well. Good Luck....

Nathan Focht

#16 Guest_Rogue_Bolo_*

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Posted 16 June 2004 - 06:09 PM

I have several clients running websites that use mom and they are getting Google placement. Search for 'Hot Sauce' and look at www.mohotta.com. I know that it is not just a Google issue because Mohotta is appearing well. Good Luck....

Nathan Focht

If you look at the bottom of the home page it says they are hosted by CommerceV3 not SiteLink/Dydacomp. CommerceV3 is a SiteLink alternative hosting product.

SiteLink is still having grave problems with the Googlebot. The last time we were spidered it lasted 4 days and was closer to a denial of service attack than a spidering due to the poorly written code of SiteLink. We finally had to block the Googlebot in order for our site to be able to do business. We are currently looking for other hosting solutions.

#17 4mdogbooks



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Posted 17 June 2004 - 09:32 AM

We are still having major problems. We were only coming up on Google as our URL with no title or description. But after we were spidered yesterday, we don't come up at all now. Not even if you type in our company name or url. We are still looking at the Sitelink alternatives since it looks like this isn't going to change. I have given it 6 months now and haven't seen any improvement.

Teres Mongrain

#18 Guest_daglmu_*

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Posted 26 April 2005 - 07:38 AM

I haven't noticed any activity on this thread recently. This should be the #1 thread on these forums.

Without successful implementation of SEO, e-commerce is worthless.

Anyone have some updates on how Google is performing on SiteLINK stores that are actually hosted at Dydacomp?

Every example site that I've seen using SiteLINK has a PageRank of Zero. Heck, even www.dydacomp.com has a PR=0. As a webmaster and potential SiteLINK customer, how am I supposed to ignore these problems?

Dave -- [email protected]

#19 Guest_Guest_Chili_*_*

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Posted 28 April 2005 - 06:20 AM

I haven't noticed any activity on this thread recently.  This should be the #1 thread on these forums.

Without successful implementation of SEO, e-commerce is worthless.

Anyone have some updates on how Google is performing on SiteLINK stores that are actually hosted at Dydacomp?

Every example site that I've seen using SiteLINK has a PageRank of Zero. Heck, even www.dydacomp.com has a PR=0.  As a webmaster and potential SiteLINK customer, how am I supposed to ignore these problems?

Dave -- [email protected]

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#20 Guest_Guest_chili_*_*

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Posted 28 April 2005 - 06:21 AM

You haven't noticed any activity on this thread lately because everyone that was previously talking about this issue got tired of wasting their breath and moved on to other solutions.

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