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#843 MOM Database Set

Posted by bbdesign on 27 June 2005 - 05:53 AM in MOM & FOX Database Issues

I'm a complete newbie to MOM. Yet, I've been assigned the task of creating a custom shopping cart system. I need to export out the product/pricing data to a web server. I was hoping to be able to look in the MOM directory and easily spot a table with this information. Instead, I found dozens of DBF files, one of which was over 650mb!!! Anyway, is there posted somewhere a reference as to what all these tables are, and how I might understand which ones I need, how they interact, etc.? My needs are very simple for now, just need product titles, descriptions, item numbers, prices, etc.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

#972 MOM Database Set

Posted by bbdesign on 01 September 2005 - 09:54 AM in MOM & FOX Database Issues

OK, now I'm trying to figure out how to separate out various departments from the STOCK table. I thought I would be able to use codes that SiteLink has in the URLs. For example, dept=1003, I'm looking for a field that holds the department number values, but can't find any. Is that located in a different table? Or is there a better way to separate specific departments in the STOCK database?

Other possibilities are the ASSOC or SALES_DEPT fields, maybe? They appear to have codes in them that are unrelated to the dept= value in SiteLink URLs.


#981 MOM Database Set

Posted by bbdesign on 06 September 2005 - 05:24 AM in MOM & FOX Database Issues

I found a table called SL_DEPT which seems to have all the department codes and names of departments. However, I cannot find the link between SL_DEPT and STOCK. For example, for my DEPTCODE value 1003 in SL_DEPT ("Basketball Apparel"), the number 1003 does not appear anywhere in STOCK. The SiteLink website is working properly, including the display of the Basketball Apparel department and corresponding items for sale, so there must be a functioning link somewhere, I just cannot seem to figure out what it is.

INETDEP is completely blank in the STOCK table.

ASSOC contains some 2-5 character letter codes that I cannot decipher, and do not seems to correspond to anything in SL_DEPT.

SALES_DEPT contains 2 character letter codes that sort of make sense, but still don't correspond to the department codes in SL_DEPT, which is what I really want to do.

#847 MOM Database Set

Posted by bbdesign on 28 June 2005 - 05:43 PM in MOM & FOX Database Issues

Thank you all very much for the assistance, I think this will help a lot!

#1029 IEM fields help

Posted by bbdesign on 22 September 2005 - 04:55 AM in Order Import/Export

Thanks for the offer, but I have 99% of the information I need, just stuck on a few fields.

#1025 IEM fields help

Posted by bbdesign on 21 September 2005 - 11:20 AM in Order Import/Export

I'm setting up IEM imports for the first time and am stuck on just a few fields...

CARDTYPE = I assume this is Visa, MasterCard, etc. Where can I find the list of valid codes? Field length is only two, so I assume its an abbreviated code (VI, MC, something like that)

COUNTRY = MOM appears to be using a 3-digit country code. Where can I find the code list? Could not find it in the MOM manual or on this website

INTERNET = In my Excel file, some of the cell data is corrupted... I cannot read the description of this field, but it sounds like it might be important. Says its a LOGICAL type field, but I'm not sure what this field means.

CC_OTHER = Not sure what this is, description says "credit card ID"

Considering there are 130 fields, only needing help with 4 isn't too bad, I guess! I would appreciate any assistance with finishing this up. Thanks!


#1037 Creating an Import File for IEM

Posted by bbdesign on 26 September 2005 - 10:22 AM in Order Import/Export

I printed out the listing of IEM's import order file fields and used that to create my file. I am using a fixed-field format.

When I tried my first import, data was shifted all over the place. I looked at the import preview screen and discovered the reason... the fields IEM is importing into are different from what is in the documentation! What's up with that?

For example, the first field in the preview screen is a logical field called MULTISHIP. This field is not identified in the documentation.

There is a field called INTERNET_ID at field position 71 (it is in the documentation, but at field position 105).

After field position 93 things really get crazy, its completely different.

Does anyone know when these changes occured? I thought my documentation was up-to-date, but maybe Dydacomp never released a newer version? What confidence should I have that the next time we upgrade MOM the format will not change again, making my import files useless?

Thank you.

#1033 ENDSHARE table

Posted by bbdesign on 22 September 2005 - 12:12 PM in Order Import/Export

The ENDSHARE table contains information about shipped packages, including tracking numbers. However, the order number is MOM's order number. I am trying to find a way to pull up ENDSHARE records based on one of the fields in my IEM import file. For example, I am populating ODR_NUM in my import file with my temporary order number, as suggested in the MOM manual.

There is a field called THIRDPARTY, then TPSHIPACCT, although I'm not sure what that field is. Also TPCARDNUM and TPEXP, although I'm not sure if any of these will do what I want.

Anyone have any experience with this?
