MOM a Nightmare
Posted 30 January 2009 - 10:25 AM
For me its a nightmare. Here are a few ideas.
#1 Put the Tech Support number on speed dial. - I have to dial it at least once a day.
#2 Make the on hold music your favorite song. - You will know all the words to all the songs because of the long wait time. �Hey Dilahla� sound familiar ?
#3 Start calling MOM "GRANDMA" since it always sick, it is more tolerable if you expect it.
#4 Custom work ? I have called Louis Evangelista and left 2 messages and sent 2 emails. Al Pasquale �AKA bullshit artist� Over sold me on sitelink., Do you have any control of anything that goes on. Or do you just take the pay check ?
#5 Shared inventory module shares the inventory and multiplies the problems exponentially.
#6 Keep a gun close. During really frustrating times- consider blowing your head off.
#7 Look for an alternative. I�m considering paper and a calculator. Anything is better
#8 When you loose your business because you spend so much time dealing with MOM. You can always get a job at Dydacomp tech support.
PS: Anyone want to join me in a class action lawsuit. I am seriously considering it. My brother is a business attorney with Goetz Fitzpatrick in Manhattan . I have 11 pages of documented problems, loss of work and frustrations.
Posted 03 February 2009 - 01:29 PM
I'd ditch MOM and write my own program if I could. But we've invested so much in the damn system already that the boss doesn't want to invest any more.
So many damn bugs and problems and cant do this and cant do that.
Heck, you could get much better stuff for free from microsoft. Get Visual Studio, learn VB.NET code, learn SQL Server database, and create your own sales system from that. Or hire a programmer to do it for you, either way it's much cheaper. plus if you have an issue, its your program, you can go back and change whatever you want.
Posted 05 February 2009 - 06:01 AM
I have some sympathy for Dydacomp. After nearly 10 years of developing order management software, I can attest to the fact that it is much more complex than you can imagine. No matter how much capability we add to our system, merchants want more. We currently have a "wish list" of over 800 requests! Keeping every combination of features working together is difficult, and tech support is a bitch.
But some companies are easier to deal with than others, and have easier to swallow pricing policies. And some programs are much more open to customization than others. So before you go back to pencil and paper or gamble on being able to create something better in a reasonable amount of time and at an affordable cost, take some time to see what alternatives are available, and what their users have to say about their company and their software.
Posted 05 February 2009 - 08:45 AM
#2 Make the on hold music your favorite song. - You will know all the words to all the songs because of the long wait time. �Hey Dilahla� sound familiar ?
Rofl about the Hey Dilahla song. So true.
Email response time from support is extremely delayed or nonexistant unless I email them back after 1-2 weeks saying that I didn't receive a response. Not good.
web developer for:
J & J Dog Supplies
Ferret Depot
Rabbit Stop
Dingo Treats
Chinchilla Depot
Pet Loo Direct
Kitty Stop
MOM 5.4 user
Posted 01 April 2009 - 12:09 AM
Having trouble with MOM ?
For me its a nightmare. Here are a few ideas.
#1 Put the Tech Support number on speed dial. - I have to dial it at least once a day.
#2 Make the on hold music your favorite song. - You will know all the words to all the songs because of the long wait time. �Hey Dilahla� sound familiar ?
#3 Start calling MOM "GRANDMA" since it always sick, it is more tolerable if you expect it.
#4 Custom work ? I have called Louis Evangelista and left 2 messages and sent 2 emails. Al Pasquale �AKA bullshit artist� Over sold me on sitelink., Do you have any control of anything that goes on. Or do you just take the pay check ?
#5 Shared inventory module shares the inventory and multiplies the problems exponentially.
#6 Keep a gun close. During really frustrating times- consider blowing your head off.
#7 Look for an alternative. I�m considering paper and a calculator. Anything is better
#8 When you loose your business because you spend so much time dealing with MOM. You can always get a job at Dydacomp tech support.
PS: Anyone want to join me in a class action lawsuit. I am seriously considering it. My brother is a business attorney with Goetz Fitzpatrick in Manhattan . I have 11 pages of documented problems, loss of work and frustrations.
Haha, I wondered if anyone was talking of suing these swindlers yet. I just did a search on Google for Dydacomp lawsuit to see if I could find anything. I say go for it!
Not only was that one of the worst companies to work with, they helped introduce other vendors' software into our network which proved equally detrimental to our continued success (you know, these sort-of unspoken symbiotic relationship to programs like PrintChef).
MOM and SiteLink were absolute garbage when I was dealing with them, and the company proved to me repeatedly that they are uninterested in the success of their customers. They will not allow their service reps to give you any technical advice which would empower you in any way, and they will extort money from you whenever any attempt is made at breaking free of their grasp. It's called "vendor lock-in". See the Wikipedia article about what that is if you don't know: http://en.wikipedia..../Vendor_lock-in
Posted 07 April 2009 - 06:54 AM
Posted 09 April 2009 - 11:41 AM
By the way my nightmare continues. I literally call dydacomp at least once a day.
This software is a joke. I have never seen anything like this and what is up with all these backend utilities to help with the fact that the software does not function.
To add insult to injury I e-mailed their president Mr.Vhealy and I did not even get the courtesy of a response. Mind You I have been a customer for 15 years.
Thanks MR. Vhealy, now I see how come your company is the way it is. It always starts from the top. What is it that they say. �Arrogance usually comes before the fall�
Posted 09 April 2009 - 07:35 PM
Lets try to keep the bashing to a minimum, we all know why I created this forum to begin with so lets keep a positive focus on helping each other.
To help, I would assume. To help those who need help with this program?
OK. I can help -- more than any of you might think possible (especially if you've ever had a deeply technical issue and they refused to help) . And I'm not even talking about getting you to use a different program either. I know that's unrealistic. The thing is, it's partly unrealistic because Dydacomp did a phenomenal job in making it nearly impossible to leave them. The other reason is that it is a huge program, and it is a lot of work to replace all that functionality.
So, that's a shame, but you're right. I could be of assistance instead of just joining in the hate-fest, so if any of you have technical questions that you can't get Dydacomp to answer (or that they literally do not know the answer to) about their software, I can probably help you. Seriously.
If it's a repeatable error, lock-up, etc., then I might require a demo copy of the version you're using in order to help you figure out what's going on, but if I can find the time, then I'll see what I can do. I'm not talking about an illegal copy here -- I mean "demo", as in that disc they'll ship to you for $35 or so. Of course, that's not necessarily going to provice enough info every time (e.g., your data may actually have been corrupted somehow), but there are some major changes between versions, so I would at least need to know which version you're working with (and probably would need a copy of at least a basic demo version of the same).
I'm mentioning all this because I have already gone to the trouble of replacing a large portion of the functionality with my own code, so I have dealt with MOM's quirks on a personal level with no help from Dydacomp for the better part of a decade. I don't have all the time in the world; I'm a full-time sysadmin, but I may be able to help with some problems where they will refuse to help you "because messing around with the system can cause worse problems" or some such excuse. That's the reason they gave when they refused to help me, and we never paid them another cent after that phone call. It's not untrue; rummaging around inside that system could cause more damage, but sometimes you don't have much choice. That's when you make a backup and dive in. You'd be amazed what you can accomplish when you try. Trust me.
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