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Current Unit Cost Basis

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#1 recycleworks



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Posted 03 March 2008 - 07:57 AM

Does anyone know about how to update "Current Unit Cost Basis" in "Stock Item Information"

Occasionally I want to change this figure, but the box is always grayed out and it's contents uneditable.

When I add a new item I can set the cost there, but if I ever return to it, it is grayed out.

Also, if I neglect to add a cost, I am warned that I will not to be able change the cost later. How can this be?

Any help much appreciated.

#2 dseibold


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Posted 03 March 2008 - 10:02 AM

You can use dbuwin to edit the cost. Open the stock.dbf table. Find the item that you wish to change the cost. Edit the uncost field.

You are warned that you will not be able to change the cost later because you cannot directly change it in MOM. It is recalculated each time you receive more product.
David Seibold
Wild Horses, Inc.
Operations Manager

#3 recycleworks



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Posted 05 March 2008 - 05:57 AM

You can use dbuwin to edit the cost. Open the stock.dbf table. Find the item that you wish to change the cost. Edit the uncost field.

You are warned that you will not be able to change the cost later because you cannot directly change it in MOM. It is recalculated each time you receive more product.

dseibold you really are a superstar. I'll look into dbuwin, but it sounds like something i have to buy and won't be allowed to by my boss.

That's interesting about the recalculation, does this mean I can affect the Unit cost when I'm receiving? I'll be checking that out too!

Thanks again

#4 dseibold


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Posted 05 March 2008 - 09:34 AM

I believe dbuwin is included with MOM. Check your MOM folder for dbuwin.exe. Be VERY careful in its use since anything you do may have repercussions on another part of MOM. You can only run the program when everyone is logged out of MOM and the system administrator must also have granted you database access to use this program. The 'S' switch does exist that will allow use of dbuwin while others are using MOM but it has restricted abilities. I would recommend that you have someone "walk" you thru your first use of dbuwin (MOM support?). It would also be helpful to print out a copy of the Data Dictionary in MOM and ask plenty of questions before you begin playing with the databases.

And YES, receiving does affect the unit cost. If I understand it correctly, when you receive a Purchase Order, Mom calculates the cost of the stock on hand, adds the cost of the item received and divides the total by the stock on hand. This becomes the new unit cost.
David Seibold
Wild Horses, Inc.
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#5 planetdj


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Posted 06 March 2008 - 07:01 AM

dseibold you really are a superstar. I'll look into dbuwin, but it sounds like something i have to buy and won't be allowed to by my boss.

That's interesting about the recalculation, does this mean I can affect the Unit cost when I'm receiving? I'll be checking that out too!

Thanks again

I feel I must chime in here too.

DBUWIN is very powerful and VERY destructive if used incorrectly. It doesn't forgive you for your mistakes. You are actually changing the raw data in the databases and essentially it thinks you are God, so it won't question you as to whether you are sure you want to destroy data or not!

It is somewhat OK to use DBUWIN to change the Unit Cost from $0.00 to another value AS LONG AS Units is equal to 0. If you have inventory of this item, and you then use DBUWIN to change the value of the Average Unit Cost, you are actually changing the value of your inventory. This can affect taxes owed by the company to the IRS, commission structures paid to salespeople, etc.

When we create new size/color variations, we let the cost value stay as $0.00. It doesn't affect anything until the first time you go to buy or drop ship the item. Then the field is updated properly and we pay our sales guys only on invoiced orders.

If you instead received an item into stock at a value of $10 instead of $100, use MOM to adjust the value of the inventory instead. It will make all of the proper journal entries for accounting purposes.
Chris Whybrew

#6 ypf1258


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Posted 08 March 2008 - 11:43 PM

Does anyone know about how to update "Current Unit Cost Basis" in "Stock Item Information"

Occasionally I want to change this figure, but the box is always grayed out and it's contents uneditable.

When I add a new item I can set the cost there, but if I ever return to it, it is grayed out.

Also, if I neglect to add a cost, I am warned that I will not to be able change the cost later. How can this be?

Any help much appreciated.

go to adjust inv for stock item select the item you want to adjust

the second tab is to adjust unit cost
Attached File  untitled123.bmp   836.3KB   22 downloads

#7 mom guy 86

mom guy 86


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Posted 09 September 2008 - 01:57 PM

go to adjust inv for stock item select the item you want to adjust

the second tab is to adjust unit cost
Attached File  untitled123.bmp   836.3KB   22 downloads


One other note: depending on your inventory accounting method as set in global parameters accounting tab, there are a few other details to know. If you are set to average cost, then you will see the unit cost update in the product setup right away. if you are set to lifo or fifo, then it will not change until you make a sale of the item.
do NOT use dbuwin for something that is easily done in the program.

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