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A couple questions

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#1 Flower_Farm



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Posted 09 January 2008 - 07:35 AM

Hi everyone

Sorry to ask so many questions at once but you have got to start somewhere!!

- Is there any way of setting up page numbers on Orders / Invoices?

- When downloading, Why do we have to exit and then re-enter MOM for the orders to appear on our screen?

many Thanks!
FF :)

#2 OffTheDeepEnd.com



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Posted 16 January 2008 - 09:18 AM

Page numbers are automatically printed in the first row all the way to the right on invoices and packing slips. Unfortunatey it doesn't give you a total of how many pages the order is.

As far as the order downloads, I am not too sure what you mean... Are you using Sitelink? You shouldn't have to sign out of MOM before you see the new orders. I know I don't have to...

Austin Colby
OffTheDeepEnd, Inc.

Current System:
MOM Version 5.4 and ASPDotNetStorefront

Over two years of advanced backend MOM customization and reporting...

#3 workuseonly04


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Posted 23 January 2008 - 07:31 AM

Page numbers are automatically printed in the first row all the way to the right on invoices and packing slips. Unfortunatey it doesn't give you a total of how many pages the order is.

As far as the order downloads, I am not too sure what you mean... Are you using Sitelink? You shouldn't have to sign out of MOM before you see the new orders. I know I don't have to...

Austin Colby
OffTheDeepEnd, Inc.

Current System:
MOM Version 5.4 and ASPDotNetStorefront

Over two years of advanced backend MOM customization and reporting...

We've been looking for someone to help us with some MOM customization at a reasonable price. If you're interested, I'd be interested in discussing it anyway. Please e-mail me: [email protected]

Anyone else out here that does MOM customization feel free to shoot me an e-mail. Going to MOM Helpers can get very costly and any chance we have to not help Dydacomp is always a plus.


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