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has anyone used mom v5.4

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#1 chrisdj79



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Posted 09 October 2006 - 08:27 AM

hello everyone i am new to these forums, but anyway does anyone in here have or has used mom v5.4 (soho or xl), the reason being is i'm seriously thinking of buying it but first want to hear what others have to say.

i'm currently in the process of starting my own wholesaling business and need a great software program to manage all my inventory (also support drop shipping), vendors, customers, sales and etc. i don't have much money so i'm debating should i spend my last on mom's newer version (5.4)

now i have read some previous post were different customers were upset with them (support & software), but i'm just wondering did they finally got it right with this newer software version and if not what other software should i use

#2 ypf1258


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Posted 09 October 2006 - 07:54 PM

hello everyone i am new to these forums, but anyway does anyone in here have or has used mom v5.4 (soho or xl), the reason being is i'm seriously thinking of buying it but first want to hear what others have to say.

i'm currently in the process of starting my own wholesaling business and need a great software program to manage all my inventory (also support drop shipping), vendors, customers, sales and etc. i don't have much money so i'm debating should i spend my last on mom's newer version (5.4)

now i have read some previous post were different customers were upset with them (support & software), but i'm just wondering did they finally got it right with this newer software version and if not what other software should i use

are you currently a MOM customer ?

#3 chrisdj79



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Posted 10 October 2006 - 05:02 AM

no..................i am not a current mom user, but anyway why would that matter one way or the other. but if you do like/recommend mom v5.4 (soho edition) thats great, but if you don't recommend it please recommend another software package

#4 anita_cocktail



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Posted 10 October 2006 - 07:01 AM

Hey Chris -
MOM is a great solution. Wanted to let you know that SoHo and XL aren't your only options... there's a "middle" Enterprise Edition as well. There are a lot of things to recommend it -- that you only have to buy as many stations and modules as you need and can add on as your company gets bigger, that it has interfaces with a lot of great carts (yahoo, miva, shopsite, etc.) and frankly it just does everything from soup to nuts. I'd definitely take it for a test drive - you can actually get a trial version.

hope that helps!

#5 CDI Fulfillment

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Posted 10 October 2006 - 02:44 PM

Chris - I am a long-time user of MOM. I have been using it for about the past 8 years (ever since MOM 3.0). Now we are on Version 5.4, Enterprise Edition. I am not very familiar with the features of SOHO edition, but am highly interested in XL because it is SQL based. Unfortunately, at the moment it is cost prohibitive.

Anyway, as an overall program MOM is a great B to B and B to C program. It has quite a bit of functionality, but it does have it's quirks and shortcomings. Are there programs out there that are better than MOM?? Sure there are, but you pay for what you get. In my opinion, MOM is a great value for what you get.

An important thing to remember is that there are a lot of features and it takes time to really get familiar with the program and get it running the way you want it to. MOM can be fairly complex, so it is not one of those programs that you can sit down with for a few hours and be completely ready to rock and roll with.

If you decide to go with MOM, I have a few suggestions:
  • Invest in a good report writing program like R&R or Crystal (you will be glad you did). Reporting is one area in which MOM is deeply lacking.
  • Use/Abuse Dydacomp tech support. You are paying for it so you might as well get your moneys worth out of them.
  • Avoid MOM Helpers. Dydacomp will push them on you if you need any custom programming done, but they are overpriced and there are cheaper solutions out there.
  • If you have a website, do not use SiteLink for your host.
  • Take advantage of MOM forums. Many of us have been around MOM for quite some time and can give you tips, tricks, and work-arounds that Dydacomp either doesn't know about or can't endorse.

Jay Snelgrove
Fulfillment Manager
CDI Media, Inc.


#6 ypf1258


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Posted 11 October 2006 - 10:07 PM

no..................i am not a current mom user, but anyway why would that matter one way or the other. but if you do like/recommend mom v5.4 (soho edition) thats great, but if you don't recommend it please recommend another software package

If you are looking to Purchase Soho edition then you are looking in a single licence and plan to process less then 20,000 orders

I would try InterpriseSuite Single user is Free Plus it runs on Mssql (express ver. to ) that s more reliable then fox pro
I have seen it highly praised in some user forums




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Posted 13 October 2006 - 05:59 AM

MOM too has a SQL version-it is called XL. As for the Soho Edition of MOM, you are correct, it does run off of a FOX Pro database, but you actually have the ability to add up to 3 workstations. You also have access to most of the modules and services like the Enterprise Edition. As for Sitelink, we have released a new version with improved automated tools. I invite anyone to contact us at 1-800-858-3666 for additional information or for a demo. Of course you can always log onto our website www.dydacomp.com.

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