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Migrating MOM to new file server

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#1 malaize


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Posted 01 June 2006 - 10:06 AM

Our company will be ordering a new file server soon and I will have to get MOM 5.4 running on it. Is migrating MOM to a new server just as simple as installing MOM on the new server and then copying the entire MOM directory from the current server to the new server?


#2 CDI Fulfillment

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Posted 01 June 2006 - 03:02 PM

It should be just that simple. The last time that we migrated servers, that is pretty much all we had to do. Copy the MOM directory to the new server and go. One thing to remember, if the new server has a new path and/or drive designation, each workstation running MOM will need to be pointed to the correct location.
Jay Snelgrove
Fulfillment Manager
CDI Media, Inc.


#3 notehead


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Posted 15 June 2006 - 12:12 PM

It was that simple for us.....there's a few gotcha's but I can't remember what they were. If you do a test move with one workstation you should be able to eliminate any of the gotchas before you go live. Particularly if you're using mapped drives and not absolute paths.


#4 malaize


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Posted 30 October 2006 - 09:52 AM

Thanks for the replies CDI Fulfillment and notehead.

One more thing. We use the Multi Company module for our three companies in Mom. I know that when I am ready to migrate I need to use Dbuwin to edit the company.dbf file to change the path to our Mom directory. Once I edit company.dbf and remap everyone's pc to the new Mom drive Mom should work fine right? I just want to make sure I won't have to reinstall the Mom workstation on all pcs after editing company.dbf.


#5 CDI Fulfillment

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Posted 31 October 2006 - 02:33 PM

You don't even have to use DBUwin to edit the settings for file location. You can go into Maintain->System Information->Multi-Company Information and then edit the data locations.

On the workstations, you shouldn't have to re-install the workstations, but you may have to go to each individual workstation and change the target from the old directory to the new one.
Jay Snelgrove
Fulfillment Manager
CDI Media, Inc.


#6 malaize


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Posted 01 November 2006 - 07:13 AM

You don't even have to use DBUwin to edit the settings for file location. You can go into Maintain->System Information->Multi-Company Information and then edit the data locations.

On the workstations, you shouldn't have to re-install the workstations, but you may have to go to each individual workstation and change the target from the old directory to the new one.

Hi Jay,

Thanks so much for the info. What is funny is that I was told by Dydacomp that I would have to edit the company.dbf file with dbuwin. Very cool that I can just change the paths through the menus.


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