Would you buy Mom again? I would not!
Posted 08 July 2005 - 12:41 PM
THEY WILL NOT RETURN YOUR CALL. So you pay EXTRA for support (they do not tell you that when they sell it to you), you have to pay for the phone call and then you get no support. But you PAID for it. How do I get in on that action?
And the support sucks...if I had a stronger term I would use it. Most bottom level techs know how to put a customer in the program but if you have a more complex problem they put you on hold (AGAIN) and ask their supervisor. Why don't the supervisors answer the phone?
And they are so afraid of a person using MOM on another machine they have stronger anti piracy code than the CIA, Federal Government and the Motion Picture Industry combined...and that WILL at some point crash your computer. Then they will send you a fix but you have to call tech support first...you know how it goes from here.
The last time it happened to me was the day before I went on vacation so my staff had to do hand receipts for a week. I finally called sales and bypassed tech support and they emailed me the file to correct the "problem".
All in all, I would not buy MOM. I would buy Atrex and ship using WorldShip. I might still do that! Let me know if you agree.
By the way, if you ever need MOM tech support when Authorize Net is down- YOU WILL NEVER GET THROUGH!
Posted 13 July 2005 - 06:35 AM
Posted 14 July 2005 - 05:56 AM
I do have to agree that they have some issues with support. The hold times can be very frustrating and even a rep I talked to the other day said it was really bad being on their end. I would fell 100% better if Dydacomp would acknowledge the problem and at least say they were looking into improving it. They certainly would not tolerate us putting them on hold for 10 minutes after they answered.
That said I couldn't have gotten MOM going without support and would not recommend going without it for the first year. Just keep after them and gently push them to solve your problems. They almost always come thru with some nudging. I can sense the reps are stressed when I call. After dealing with suppliers and reps for 25 years I can tell when someone is having a stressful or hectic day in the first 10 seconds of conversation...the reps are stressed a little so don't take it out on them. They have a tough job and being understaffed makes it all the tougher. Plus when we get thru after a 10 minute hold we probably sound a little peeved and they sense that. I try to contain my attitude and remember it's not their faults. I have never encountered a rude rep..just overworked ones.
And yes that security code that you have to call them for in the first month after install is not the best way to handle piracy concerns and I have to admit I was a little livid when it happened. The proper way to do that is after the first install of MOM when you open the program it should have a message window that says:
Thank you for installing MOM!
Call 1-800-DYD-ACOMP for your activation code
You can open MOM 200 more times at which time you will be required to enter your activation code or you will be locked out.
Then the next time you open it it says 199 etc.
It should warn you from day one. Not suprise you on a Friday evening at 11:00PM 3 weeks after using the program that you can use MOM 4 more times before you'll be locked out.
They have every right to prevent their software from being pirated and can and should prevent it vigorously...it just needs some touch up.
So to reiterate...yes I would highly recommend MOM and would and am going to buy it again. I probably will down the line even purchase MOM XL. No program is going to be 100% perfect for any one individuals needs and there can always be improvements made. Hang in there and once you have used it awhile I think you will be happy. There is a learning curve. Good Luck
Posted 13 September 2005 - 12:48 PM
a. It would work well for business to business transactions
b. It would work well for drop ship orders.
We do at last have it working, but we have so many work arounds that it is
mind boggling. Some are minor annoyances; some are design flaws; some are
simply illogical programming.
If someone from MOM reads this, I would love to know if there is a forum where I can list improvements/changes that would make MOM work much better for b to b
companies. I don't want to rail. I have very specific changes in mind which would make MOM work much better for me. I would be happy to share them.
Tech support is a mixed bag. Often I am on hold until I give up. Sometimes I get a novice who cannot help me. Sometimes I am the problem, and the obvious is pointed out to me. Sometimes I get Jeff L who is always most helpful.
There is a lot I like with MOM, and a lot I don't like. Overall, I'm not sure the good has outweighed the problems, but I'll hang in for a while. Better the devil you know........
Posted 13 September 2005 - 05:16 PM
I would not buy MOM again. It was sold to me with the understanding that
a. It would work well for business to business transactions
b. It would work well for drop ship orders.
We do at last have it working, but we have so many work arounds that it is
mind boggling. Some are minor annoyances; some are design flaws; some are
simply illogical programming.
If someone from MOM reads this, I would love to know if there is a forum where I can list improvements/changes that would make MOM work much better for b to b
companies. I don't want to rail. I have very specific changes in mind which would make MOM work much better for me. I would be happy to share them.
Tech support is a mixed bag. Often I am on hold until I give up. Sometimes I get a novice who cannot help me. Sometimes I am the problem, and the obvious is pointed out to me. Sometimes I get Jeff L who is always most helpful.
There is a lot I like with MOM, and a lot I don't like. Overall, I'm not sure the good has outweighed the problems, but I'll hang in for a while. Better the devil you know........
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