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Anyone experienced a 'DLDONE' error?

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#1 malaize


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Posted 06 December 2004 - 09:05 AM

Just curious if anyone has had this error pop up when trying to log into MOM 5.0. MOM is installed on our Win2kserver with 9 user licenses. This error occurred this morning and once last week. The guy I talked to from Dydacomp acted a bit worried when I told him we received this error last week too. To correct it I had to add the foxtools.fll file that he send me to the main MOM directory. It worked like a charm after that.

Just curious of others experiences.


#2 malaize


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Posted 09 December 2004 - 08:25 AM

So has anyone else been experiencing this error? It occurred again today and on Tuesday. When I talked to Dydacomp's tech support today I was told that this is a Service Pack 2 issue. A zip file containing 10 files was sent to me. I extracted it to our MOM directory on our win2kserver. I am able to log in again. Hopefully it does fix the 'DLDONE' error for good.


#3 Guest_Guest_*

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Posted 17 December 2004 - 10:06 AM

somtimes that foxtools file becomes corrupt on an incorrect shutdown

#4 malexios



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Posted 18 January 2005 - 06:31 AM

I found this in Yahoo! (which seems to be having problems ATM.)

Variable 'GLDONE' is not found.
Variable 'STARTVER' is not found.

We've gotten this message several times. Try this:

1. Find the Start.sav file in the MOMWIN folder and copy it to the desktop
2. Rename the Start.sav file (you've copied to the desktop) to Start.dbf
3. Copy the Start.dbf file back into the MOMWIN folder.

Or you can retrieve the Start.dbf file from the latest backup and overwrite
the Start.dbf file in the MOMWIN folder.

I have had the error, but it went away on a reboot, so I didn't try this.

#5 mlabarre



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Posted 19 January 2005 - 03:56 AM

We used to get this probelm off and on over the 5 years i maintained mom and it's usually the result of several crash cause=sing corruption in the start fiel , the simple solution I found (and I assume people are making a momcopy daily) is to just take the start file from the copy and replace the one in the live database and you'll be on your way in 5 minutes
So has anyone else been experiencing this error?  It occurred again today and on Tuesday.  When I talked to Dydacomp's tech support today I was told that this is a Service Pack 2 issue.  A zip file containing 10 files was sent to me.  I extracted it to our MOM directory on our win2kserver.  I am able to log in again.  Hopefully it does fix the 'DLDONE' error for good.


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#6 Guest_Michael_*

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Posted 12 September 2005 - 01:53 PM

So has anyone else been experiencing this error?  It occurred again today and on Tuesday.  When I talked to Dydacomp's tech support today I was told that this is a Service Pack 2 issue.  A zip file containing 10 files was sent to me.  I extracted it to our MOM directory on our win2kserver.  I am able to log in again.  Hopefully it does fix the 'DLDONE' error for good.


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The foxtools file in the MOM directory is what causes the problem..... replace it with a fresh one from your MOM cd.

#7 Guest_Guest_*

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Posted 20 October 2005 - 08:50 AM

I just called MOM support about this...

Variable 'GLDONE' is not found.
Variable 'STARTVER' is not found.

These errors are caused by trying to do a workstation install while users are still connected to the MOM database. It's apparently critical to get all the users out before you attempt an install on a new workstation.

The tech said to make sure everyone is out and perform a new workstation install...this is supposed to replace the files that got screwed up and allow everyone to access MOM again.

I just did this...a repair install did not work. I had to remove MOM, run the workstation install and then reboot the machine. After that, the problem went away. Hope that helps.

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