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Splitting This Forum Up...

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#1 admin


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Posted 27 October 2004 - 02:59 AM

There are already a ton of topics in this forum and I think it may be helpful if I split this forum up into several separate ones. Does anyone have any suggestions for how we should go about it? Here is what I propose...
  • Database Issues
  • Email Issues
  • Authorize.net
  • Reporting
  • UPS & Shipping
  • etc...
I could also just leave the general forum in place and create an extra forum for each of the add-on modules. What I am worried about is making sure to divide things up right the first time and do it early on.

I would appriciate any ideas or input with this matter. Also, I would be interested in hearing any ideas on how to make this site more valuable. Things I have thought of include a download script or report library for people to share what they have done or a link list where you can add a link to your site in one master list kind of like a top site list.


Make sure to tell all the MOM users you know about this site!

#2 Videoflicks2004



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Posted 27 October 2004 - 08:10 AM

Hi Dana,

That's a terrific idea!! You might also consider adding sections for users from various levels of MOM 3, 4, or 5.

I can't wait to see the sections.


David Narciso
Ecommerce Operations Manager CVS Inc

[email protected]

mobile: 4168238175

DISCLAIMER: Always backup your MOMWIN folder before attempting to perform any updates, testing, etc. Once you blast the data away it's gone forever.
My advice is based on my 8 years of experience with MOM and Dydacomp. If you are not comfortable with data manipulation then hire someone who is.

#3 john


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Posted 22 December 2004 - 08:07 AM

excellent idea.

a section on accounting issues with mom would be helpful.

#4 admin


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Posted 13 January 2005 - 06:37 PM

I'm also looking for suggestions on other topics we could cover with this site, I want to really offer some value now that we are on a roll with regular posting!


Make sure to tell all the MOM users you know about this site!

#5 Videoflicks2004



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Posted 14 January 2005 - 08:32 AM

Hi Dana,

What about a section to promote your company? I wouldn't mind having an appropriate place to tell everyone about how MOM helps my business. It might even make a decent place to offer a "MEMBERS ONLY DISCOUNT" section.


David Narciso
Ecommerce Operations Manager CVS Inc

[email protected]

mobile: 4168238175

DISCLAIMER: Always backup your MOMWIN folder before attempting to perform any updates, testing, etc. Once you blast the data away it's gone forever.
My advice is based on my 8 years of experience with MOM and Dydacomp. If you are not comfortable with data manipulation then hire someone who is.

#6 admin


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Posted 17 January 2005 - 04:10 PM

OK, it's done... what does everyone think???

Make sure to tell all the MOM users you know about this site!

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