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Multiple eBay accounts and MOM

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#1 MitchTastiq



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Posted 11 November 2010 - 11:37 AM


We are brand new to MOM and could really use some community help. We were told when we purchased the MOM software that it could handle multiple eBay accounts. We have 2 business eBay account with multiple accounts a piece. Now, the Blackthorne software that interfaces between MOM and eBay can do multiple accounts but we do not want the 2 different business accounts linked via Blackthorne. Is it possible for MOM installs on different computers to access different Blackthorne installs? IE, the Blackthorn install on one computer is for one business account with multiple sub accounts and the other Blackthorne install on another computer is linked to the other business account and multiple sub accounts? Keeping these business accounts separate allows greater flexibility in case of any problems with eBay over any of there very dense and very specific EULA. Is there any other workaround for issues like this? Custom programming or anything? Any other MOM users have a similar issue and got it solved?

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