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Importing of data

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#1 sblair



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Posted 24 January 2008 - 08:51 AM

I need to import our Inventory, Bin, Customer and Suppliers data into MOM using dbuwin. Here is who I think it can be done.
I have exported the following tables in order to help me format our data: stock.dbf, bin.dbf, inventor.dbf, suppliers.dbf cust.dbf.

I'm probably going to import the stock information using the Import/Export module. I will be importing the Distrib and Diststock fields.

I believe that I can append the Supplier information into the directly in to the suppliers.dbf table without any trouble. With this import I believe Distrib fild from the stock.dbf must match the Code field in the suppliers.dbf. Am I correct?

With customers I think can be imported directly into the dbf if I'm not tacking any history with me. It also looks like customers can be imported via the import/export module?

When importing bin numbers would I have to create a relationship with the the BIN_ID field in the Inventor.dbf table and the BIN_ID in the bin Bin.dbf table. Also what is the purpose of the bin field in stock.dbf? I have set up some test items with test bins and that field is not populated. Also what exactly dose the inventor.dbf table do?

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